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Page PolicyID Policy Category SubCategory Description CharterItem KeyPolicyid Stream Approval OriginalPolicy Status PolicyPaper SupportDocs1 SupportDocs2 SupportDocs3 UpdatedBy DateUpdated
P0051 (edit) EQ051 Reduce average full-time weekly working hours across the economy 010 Employment 3 Working Time With no loss of pay CR004 KP076 Equality Yes Reviewed Data Import 2021-08-10
P0052 (edit) EQ052 End the opt-out provision for the EU Working Time Directive and enforcing working-time regulations 010 Employment 3 Working Time Policies should be specific on this CR004 KP076 Equality No Reviewed Data Import 2021-08-10
P0053 (edit) EQ053 Set up an independent Working Time Commission to advise on raising minimum holiday entitlements and reducing maximum weekly working time 010 Employment 3 Working Time Not required. Covered by other policies CR004 KP076 Equality No Reviewed Data Import 2021-08-10
P0054 (edit) EQ054 Invest to increase productivity and make sure workers share the benefits 010 Employment 3 Working Time CR004 KP076 Equality Yes Reviewed Data Import 2021-08-10
P0055 (edit) EQ055 Keep restrictions on Sunday trading in place and review unpaid overtime 010 Employment 3 Working Time CR004 KP076 Equality No P0793 Replaced Data Import 2021-08-10
P0056 (edit) EQ056 Ensure Department of Employment has legal rights to enforce employee protections 010 Employment 3 Working Time Enforce workplace rights, including the Real Living Wage - DoE will be given extensive powers to inspect workplaces and bring prosecutions and civil proceedings on workers behalf - enforce equal pay - EQ086 Ensure that the single-sex-based exemptions contained in the Equality Act 2010 are understood and fully enforced in service provision CR004 Equality Yes Reviewed Data Import 2021-08-10
P0057 (edit) EQ057 WPA will be given extensive powers to inspect workplaces and bring prosecutions and civil proceedings on workers’ behalf 010 Employment 3 Working Time CR004 Equality No Removed Data Import 2021-08-10
P0058 (edit) EQ058 Keep employment tribunals free, extend their powers, and introduce new Labour Courts with a stronger role for people with industrial experience on panels 010 Employment 3 Working Time CR004 Equality No Replaced Data Import 2021-08-10
P0059 (edit) EQ059 Take on short-termism and corporate greed, making sure good businesses are rewarded, not undercut 010 Employment 4 Rewriting the Rules not approved for now. To review once we have a fuller picture post policy papers CR004 Equality No Reviewed Data Import 2021-08-10
P0060 (edit) EQ060 Rewrite the rules of the economy and ensure everyone plays by them 010 Employment 4 Rewriting the Rules CR004 Equality No Removed Data Import 2021-08-10
P0061 (edit) EQ061 Amend the Companies Act, requiring companies to prioritise long-term growth while strengthening protections for stakeholders, including smaller suppliers and pension funds 010 Employment 4 Rewriting the Rules Policy paper will describe the context CR004 Equality Yes Reviewed Data Import 2021-08-10
P0062 (edit) EQ062 Tackle late payments that leave small businesses waiting months to be paid, including banning late payers from public procurement 010 Employment 4 Rewriting the Rules CR004 Equality No Replaced Data Import 2021-08-10
P0063 (edit) EQ063 We will remove the requirement for quarterly reporting for small businesses 010 Employment 4 Rewriting the Rules CR004 Equality Yes Reviewed Data Import 2021-08-10
P0064 (edit) EQ064 Require one-third of boards to be reserved for elected worker-directors and give them more control over executive pay 010 Employment 4 Rewriting the Rules CR004 Equality No Replaced Data Import 2021-08-10
P0065 (edit) EQ065 Introduce a broader ‘public interest test’ to prevent hostile takeovers and asset-stripping weakening our industrial base and destroying treasured home-grown companies 010 Employment 4 Rewriting the Rules CR004 Equality No Replaced Data Import 2021-08-10
P0066 (edit) EQ066 Give workers a voice on public bodies such as the Competition and Markets Authority 010 Employment 4 Rewriting the Rules CR004 Equality No Replaced Data Import 2021-08-10
P0067 (edit) EQ067 Establish protective administration for companies 010 Employment 4 Rewriting the Rules So they can be protected as a going concern rather than collapsing into insolvency CR004 Equality Yes Reviewed Data Import 2021-08-10
P0068 (edit) EQ068 Separate audit and accounting activities in major firms and impose more robust rules on auditors 010 Employment 4 Rewriting the Rules CR004 Equality Yes Reviewed Data Import 2021-08-10
P0069 (edit) EQ069 Tackle regulatory capture and streamline regulation by creating a new Business Commission, responsive to parliamentary select committees 010 Employment 4 Rewriting the Rules CR004 Equality No Replaced Data Import 2021-08-10
P0070 (edit) EQ070 Usher in a new era of social justice in Britain 020 Justice 1 Social Justice Commission CR005 KP079 Equality No Removed Data Import 2021-08-10
P0071 (edit) EQ071 Replace the Social Mobility Commission with a Social Justice Commission, based in the Treasury, with wide-ranging powers to hold us, and future governments, to account 020 Justice 1 Social Justice Commission other policies cover this- not approved for now. CR005 KP079 Equality No Reviewed Data Import 2021-08-10
P0072 (edit) EQ072 Create a new Department for Equalities 020 Justice 2 Equality Roles can be allocated to cabinet on a case by case basis CR005 KP075 Equality Yes Reviewed Data Import 2021-08-10
P0073 (edit) EQ073 Ensure all our policies and laws are equality-impact assessed in order to deliver a fairer society for all 020 Justice 2 Equality All Rise policies go through a assessment for fairness. Information is recorded on our PIF, plus all policies will have a policy paper CR005 KP075 Equality Yes Reviewed Data Import 2021-08-10
P0074 (edit) EQ074 Establish a modernised National Women’s Commission as an independent advisory body to contribute to a Labour government 020 Justice 2 Women and Equalities CR005 KP075 Equality No Removed Data Import 2021-08-10
P0075 (edit) EQ075 Ratify both the Istanbul Convention on preventing domestic abuse and the ILO Convention on Violence and Harassment at work 020 Justice 2 Equality Policy paper will describe in detail CR005 KP079 Equality Yes Reviewed Data Import 2021-08-10
P0076 (edit) EQ076 Create a new ground for discrimination on the basis of socio-economic disadvantage 020 Justice 2 Women and Equalities CR005 KP079 Equality No Removed Data Import 2021-08-10
P0077 (edit) EQ077 Close the gender pay gap 020 Justice 3 Women Covered by EQ033 CR005 KP075 Equality No Reviewed Data Import 2021-08-10
P0078 (edit) EQ078 Deliver gender pay equality by making the state responsible for enforcing equal pay legislation for the first time 020 Justice 3 Women CR005 KP075 Equality No Removed Data Import 2021-08-10
P0079 (edit) EQ079 The new Workers’ Protection Agency working with HMRC will ensure that employers take equal pay seriously and take positive action to close the gender pay gap. 020 Justice 3 Women CR005 KP075 Equality No Removed Data Import 2021-08-10
P0080 (edit) EQ080 Women will no longer be left to take enforcement action by themselves through the courts 020 Justice 3 Women CR005 KP075 Equality No Removed Data Import 2021-08-10
P0081 (edit) EQ081 Require all employers with over 250 employees to obtain government certification on equality 020 Justice 2 Equality auditing and fines. We will lower the threshold over time. This allows potential employees to know the attitude of the company CR005 KP075 Equality Yes Reviewed Data Import 2021-08-10
P0082 (edit) EQ082 Revolutionise parents’ rights by increasing paid maternity leave from nine to 12 months, doubling paternity leave to four weeks and extending pregnancy protection. 020 Justice 3 Women CR005 KP075 Equality No Removed Data Import 2021-08-10
P0083 (edit) EQ083 Ensure legislation protects pregnant women in the workplace from prejudicial dismissal 020 Justice 2 Equality We have srtrengthened Employment tribunals in other policies to ensure this legislation is met. CR005 KP075 Equality Yes Reviewed Data Import 2021-08-10
P0084 (edit) EQ084 Require all employers to have flexible working, including a menopause policy, menstrual leave and sickness and absence practices 020 Justice 3 Women For smaller companies where this will create issues we will provide support. CR005 KP075 Equality Yes Reviewed Data Import 2021-08-10
P0085 (edit) EQ085 Enable positive action for recruitment to roles where employers can justify the need for more diversity. 020 Justice 3 Women not approved for the time being CR005 KP075 Equality Yes Reviewed Data Import 2021-08-10
P0086 (edit) EQ086 Ensure that the single-sex-based exemptions contained in the Equality Act 2010 are understood and fully enforced in service provision 020 Justice 3 Women CR005 Equality No Removed Data Import 2021-08-10
P0087 (edit) EQ087 Introduce sick pay for survivors of domestic abuse 020 Justice 3 Women CR005 Equality Yes Reviewed Data Import 2021-08-10
P0088 (edit) EQ088 Ensure women's refuges receive the long-term sustainable funding they need. 020 Justice 3 Women CR005 KP075 Equality Yes Reviewed Data Import 2021-08-10
P0089 (edit) EQ089 Ensure a pathway to economic inclusion for all, putting an end to all forms of racism and discrimination in our economy and society 020 Justice 4 Race Equality This doesn't mean anything. We have specific policies to deal with this. CR005 KP077 Equality No Reviewed Data Import 2021-08-10
P0090 (edit) EQ090 Seek to end the politics of hate and commission an independent review into the threat of far-right extremism and how to tackle it 020 Justice 4 Race Equality CR005 KP077 Equality No Removed Data Import 2021-08-10
P0091 (edit) EQ091 Extend pay-gap reporting to all minority groups 020 Justice 4 Race Equality CR005 KP077 Equality Yes Reviewed Data Import 2021-08-10
P0092 (edit) EQ092 Ensure the National Investment Bank does not unfairly discriminate when providing finance 020 Justice 4 Race Equality CR005 KP077 Equality Yes Reviewed Data Import 2021-08-10
P0093 (edit) EQ093 Implement recommendations of the Lammy Review to address the disparity of treatment and outcomes for BAME people within the criminal justice system. 020 Justice 4 Race Equality Extend it to include a review of all groups - for example the treatment of poorer people by the court system CR005 KP077 Equality Yes Reviewed Data Import 2021-08-10
P0094 (edit) EQ094 Educate on the true nature of human slavery 020 Justice 4 Race Equality to educate around migration and colonialism, and to address the legacy of slavery and teach how it interrupted a rich and powerful black history which is also British history and how the establishment corrupted us all with slavery CR005 KP077 Equality Yes Reviewed Data Import 2021-08-10
P0095 (edit) EQ095 Strengthen protection for religious communities 020 Justice 4 Race Equality We'd deal this on a case by case basis through the normal legal process and education as laid out in EQ094 CR005 KP077 Equality No Reviewed Data Import 2021-08-10
P0096 (edit) EQ096 Amend legislation to ensure the full power of common law is enforced for attacks on places of worship (such as synagogues, temples, mosques, and churches) 020 Justice 4 Race Equality CR005 KP077 Equality Yes Reviewed Data Import 2021-08-10
P0097 (edit) EQ097 Review current levels of funding for and access to the Places of Worship Protective Security Funding Scheme 020 Justice 4 Race Equality Covered by other policies CR005 KP077 Equality No Reviewed Data Import 2021-08-10
P0098 (edit) EQ098 Maintain funding in real terms for the Community Security Trust, and consult on giving it statutory protection to ensure that religious communities have the support they need 020 Justice 4 Race Equality Covered by another policy CR005 KP077 Equality No Reviewed Data Import 2021-08-10
P0099 (edit) EQ099 Promote through our policies the social model of disability throughout society 020 Justice 5 Disability CR005 KP077 Equality Yes Reviewed EQ099- Champion the social model of disability throughout government.pdf Data Import 2021-08-10
P0100 (edit) EQ100 We will ensure that disabled people can be independent and equal in society, with choice and control over their own lives 020 Justice 5 Disability CR005 KP077 Equality Yes Reviewed Data Import 2021-08-10

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