What is Campaign Lab
The amount of data that is in the public domain these days often means that Labour supporters feel overawed. Social media is a wonderful way of providing information to a wider audience, but by nature it is very difficult to keep track of the information.
Campaign Lab provides a location to gather the wheat from the chaff, so that Labour supporters have easy access to the facts. It provides the following:
- Fact checked data, with the source provided and verified
- Data broken down into different streams so that supporters can find information quickly and easily
- Links to websites where further detail can be found
- Search facilities of Wiki software allows supporters to use Campaign Lab as an ideal starting point for refuting old media bias
- A growing number of contributors ensures Campaign Lab grows into a powerful resource
- Administration of Campaign Lab ensures that data stays relevant
Campaign Lab also provides information on the performance of the Conservative Party. Where possible the Labour party policy will be linked to the Conservative policy so that the destructive impact of Tory policy can be identified.
Thirdly Campaign Lab provides campaign information such as campaigns, links to Labour party activities and key contact details.