Tories present feeble plan to plaster over the wounds they created
Jack Peat - 13 August 2018
The Conservatives have pledged £100 million to “end rough sleeping on England’s streets by 2027” after the number of people left homeless due to austerity cuts has soared.
Last year, around 4,800 people were estimated to be sleeping rough in England. This is 15 per cent higher than in 2016, and more than double the estimate of 1,800 for 2010
The pledge comes as communities secretary James Brokenshire acknowledged that efforts to tackle homelessness had “not been good enough”, adding that homeless people should be supported rather than punished by the government.
But Brokenshire failed to touch on the role of his party in creating such extreme levels of poverty in one of the richest nations in the world... See more
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