View table: Benefits

Table structure:

  1. BenefitHeader - String
  2. Benefit - Text
  3. DateIdentified - Date
  4. Description - Text
  5. Impact - String
  6. Status - String

This table has 4 rows altogether.

Recreate data.

Page BenefitHeader Benefit DateIdentified Description Impact Status
B000001 (edit) P0805PIF Removal of a regressive tax 2021-05-12 VAT impacts the poorer hardest and its removal will help lift people out of poverty High Open
B000002 (edit) P0805PIF Removes a cumbersome and complicated tax. 2021-05-12 The level of reporting required for VAT makes it time consuming for businesses. Removing this bureaucracy will be a major benefit High Open
B000003 (edit) P0833PIF Reduce drug related crime 2022-01-05 Addiction to drugs we no support leads to crime to fund the habit. Also selling illegal drugs involves a criminal network. High Open
B000004 (edit) P0833PIF Improve health and reduce drug related deaths by ensuring drugs are free from harmful additives 2022-01-05 Presently drugs are mixed with harmful substances which cause serious health issues and death High Open