View table: Amendments

Table structure:

  1. PolicyHeader - String
  2. Description - Text
  3. Region - String
  4. Proposer - String
  5. Branch - String
  6. Type - String
  7. Approved - Boolean
  8. Status - String
  9. NewPolicy - String

This table has 41 rows altogether.

Recreate data.

Page PolicyHeader Description Region Proposer Branch Type Approved Status NewPolicy
Amend000001 (edit) P0268 This is covered in detail and in the other policies and as such is a key policy. We can check whether we have a key policy that covers this, but it isn't a policy in its own right. Steering Committee Michael Dakin Remove Yes Actioned
Amend000002 (edit) P0269 This is covered in detail and in the other policies and as such is a key policy. We can check whether we have a key policy that covers this, but it isn't a policy in its own right. Steering Committee Michael Dakin Remove Yes Actioned
Amend000003 (edit) P0270 Let the policies define world leading. Steering Committee Michael Dakin Remove Yes Actioned
Amend000004 (edit) P0272 Our key policies and specific policies cover this. Steering Committee Michael Dakin Remove Yes Actioned
Amend000005 (edit) P0408 This has been overtaken by events and should be removed and if applicable a new policy added that covers the present situation Steering Committee Michael Dakin Remove Yes Actioned
Amend000006 (edit) P0295 Specifically talk about cold fusion and thorium in other policies and ensure we talk about looking into technology safety. This will help us clean up present nuclear as the spent rods can be used in cold fusion plants and further degraded. Steering Committee Michael Dakin Remove Yes Actioned
Amend000007 (edit) P0274 Launch a National Transformation Fund, but it is covered in other policies so removed. Steering Committee Michael Dakin Remove Yes Actioned
Amend000008 (edit) P0278 Mentioned in GF011 Steering Committee Michael Dakin Remove Yes Actioned
Amend000009 (edit) P0283 Stated well in GF019. Not needed Steering Committee Michael Dakin Remove Yes Actioned
Amend000010 (edit) P0318 It isn't a competition and this makes no sense Steering Committee Michael Dakin Remove Yes Actioned
Amend000011 (edit) P0327 Remove the word British It was decided that once the word British was removed, the policy didn't really say anything. Steering Committee Michael Dakin Remove Yes Actioned
Amend000012 (edit) P0479 This is superceded by a policy to scrap VAT altogether as an unfair tax Steering Committee Michael Dakin Remove Yes Actioned
Amend000013 (edit) P0724 Reverse council spending cuts made under austerity and radically increase government allocated funds to councils. This will allow councils to invest in major improvements to the local environment such as improve libraries, parks and re-generate neglected towns. Steering Committee Michael Dakin Amend Yes Actioned P0804
Amend000015 (edit) P0476 Change policy to : Tax system overhaul to ensure tax loopholes closed and all tax payers pay into system in a fair balanced way. London Jonathan Cooper Remove Yes Actioned
Amend000016 (edit) P0121 No longer applicable as we've left the EU. If we look at FOM then it would be a new policy rather than an amendment to this one Steering Committee Michael Dakin Remove Yes Actioned
Amend000017 (edit) P0122 No longer applicable as we've left the EU. If we look at FOM then it would be a new policy rather than an amendment to this one Steering Committee Michael Dakin Remove Yes Actioned
Amend000018 (edit) P0159 Over our term lower pension age to 60 Steering Committee Michael Dakin Amend Yes Actioned P0801
Amend000019 (edit) P0001 Eradicate in-work poverty in by tackling the structural causes of poverty and inequality, such as low pay and high living costs, while raising the floor provided by our social safety net Steering Committee Steerco Amend Yes Actioned P0788
Amend000021 (edit) P0009 Automatic Tax Credit Steering Committee Michael Dakin Amend Yes Actioned P0790
Amend000022 (edit) P0017 No reason given Steering Committee Shamsher Remove Yes Actioned
Amend000023 (edit) P0024 No reason given Steering Committee Shamsher Remove Yes Actioned
Amend000024 (edit) P0050 No Reason Given Steering Committee Steerco Remove Yes Actioned
Amend000027 (edit) P0134 As a standalone policy it means nothing and is covered elsewhere. Also timing is not a policy Steering Committee Michael Dakin Remove Yes Actioned
Amend000028 (edit) P0157 We will compensate WASPI women for their lost pensions immediately Notes: Note pension age back to 60 and so on the new higher pension Steering Committee Michael Dakin Amend Yes Actioned P0800
Amend000029 (edit) P0201 Add the following detail of how it will work for:- Holiday homes / investment properties / commuters This policy was replaced. A description was added to the original Steering Committee Michael Dakin Amend Yes Actioned
Amend000030 (edit) P0220 Make additional housing available for rough sleepers and those without secure accomodation Steering Committee Val Hanson Amend Yes Actioned P0802
Amend000031 (edit) P0227 Abolish the House of Lords and replace with 2nd house of elected representatives of the nations and regions Steering Committee Michael Dakin Amend Yes Actioned P0803
Amend000032 (edit) P0262 The whole Scottish section needs looking at. Steering Committee Jean Watson Remove Yes Actioned
Amend000034 (edit) P0003 Introduce a Real Living Wage for all workers aged 16 or over with yearly increases and Pay Awards to the public sector to match that made for Members of Parliament. East Of England neil norfolk Amend Yes Actioned P0789
Amend000035 (edit) P0006 20% of a company to be collectively owned by employees with an annual profit based percentage increase in share of ownership(needs work) East Of England neil norfolk Remove Yes Actioned
Amend000036 (edit) P0037 Set up an independent commission to bring health, including mental health, and safety legislation up to date. East Of England neil norfolk Amend Yes Actioned P0791
Amend000037 (edit) P0048 Introduce a maximum workplace temperature subject to practice to protect workers and require employers to take counteracting measures * Outline in description how different industries have different temp limits or requirements. Foundry for example East Of England David Solomons essex Amend Yes Actioned P0792
Amend000038 (edit) P0055 Keep restrictions on sunday trading in place and ban unpaid overtime including salaried position East Of England neil norfolk Amend Yes Actioned P0793
Amend000039 (edit) P0058 Keep employment tribunals free, extend their powers, and introduce new Labour Courts with a stronger role for people with industrial experience on panels, with free representation for employees. East Of England neil NORFOLK Amend Yes Actioned P0794
Amend000040 (edit) P0060 This we would submit as one of the 10 overarching policies. East Of England neil norfolk Remove Yes Actioned
Amend000041 (edit) P0062 Outlaw late payments that leave small businesses waiting months to be paid, East Of England neil norfolk Amend Yes Actioned P0795
Amend000043 (edit) P0064 Majority representation on company boards for elected workers with equal voting rights East Of England neil norfolk Amend Yes Actioned P0796
Amend000044 (edit) P0065 Introduce a public committee to prevent hostile takeovers and asset stripping, weakening our industrial base and home grown companies East Of England neil norfolk Amend Yes Actioned P0797
Amend000045 (edit) P0066 Give workers a voice on public bodies such as the Competition and Markets Authority, and OFCOM East Of England neil norfolk Amend Yes Actioned P0798
Amend000046 (edit) P0069 Tackle regulatory capture and streamline regulation by creating a new people controlled business commission, responsive to parliamentary select committees East Of England neil norfolk Amend Yes Actioned P0799
Amend000047 (edit) P0070 This we would submit as one of our 10 overarching policies East Of England neil norfolk Remove Yes Actioned