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CF000006 (edit) Workers from the MoJ and BEIS go on strike and take to the streets Shabbir Lakha 22 January 2019 Receptionists, security guards, cleaners at the Ministry of Justice represented by the UVW Union and support staff at the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy represented by the PCS union organised a joint two-day strike beginning 22 January, demanding a London Living Wage, an end to outsourcing and parity of sick pay and annual leave with civil servants Yes Counterfire
CF000011 (edit) National school students' climate strike in pictures Jago Corry 15 February 2019 The hugely inspiring national school students' strike against climate change should be the start of a coordinated, international campaign, reports Jago Corry The national youth strike for climate change saw thousands of students all around the country walk out from school on strike and protest in their town and city centres. Upon asking the multiple groups of school, college and university students, it is clear the issue of climate change is at the centre of their concerns. Young people will be the most affected if climate change is not reversed. Yes CounterFire 2019-02-17 7:25:48 PM Michaeldakin
CM000014 (edit) British Security Service Infiltration, the Integrity Initiative and the Institute for Statecraft Craig Murray 13 December 2018 The British state can maintain its spies’ cover stories for centuries. Look up Eldred Pottinger, who for 180 years appears in scores of British history books – right up to and including William Dalrymple’s Return of the King – as a British officer who chanced to be passing Herat on holiday when it came under siege from a partly Russian-officered Persian army, and helped to organise the defences. In researching Sikunder Burnes, I discovered and published from the British Library incontrovertible and detailed documentary evidence that Pottinger’s entire journey was under the direct instructions of, and reporting to, British spymaster Alexander Burnes. The first historian to publish the untrue “holiday” cover story, Sir John Kaye, knew both Burnes and Pottinger and undoubtedly knew he was publishing lying propaganda. Every other British historian of the First Afghan War (except me and latterly Farrukh Husain) has just followed Kaye’s official propaganda Yes Craig Murray
CM000019 (edit) The Blog That Reaches The Parts Craig Murray 19 February 2019 Delighted to be back in Edinburgh after a fascinating three weeks in Pakistan. I left Pakistan two days after the Kashmir flare-up and just as Mohammed Bin Salman arrived, and you will be hearing my thoughts on this much neglected but vital country further over the next few days. As I return, the Corrupt Seven are leaving the Labour Party and being much feted for their general Toryness, a quality they hold in common with the large majority of remaining Labour MPs, who calculate staying on is a better bet to preserve their incomes at present. I have missed an appalling official report from Frances Cairncross, who advocates that in order to ensure that we get our proper dose of official propaganda we should be obliged to pay with our taxes to subsidise newspapers which nobody wants to buy. This ties in with the report yesterday by MPs advocating more governmental control of Facebook to tighten the permitted narrative still further. Much for me to get my teeth into; just give me a chance to unpack Yes Craig Murray 2019-02-19 7:05:34 PM Michaeldakin
DI000001 (edit) Democracy – not for me? disidealist 8 February 2019 In 2017, I was the candidate for Labour here on the Isle of Wight. One day I may share some anecdotes, but to be honest, John O’Farrell got there first, and he’s much funnier than me. Since the election, I’ve been the main spokesperson for the CLP, and since June last year, the Chair, trying to maintain our profile in the local media, and to keep the Tory council and Tory MP honest. Or at least as honest as Tories get. If Theresa May were to go for another walk and call an election, then I may well throw my hat into the ring to be considered as Labour candidate once more. I may not be selected by the CLP though. They may choose someone else to try and topple the Tories. The last two years have not been without difficulty. I’ve been the target of some fairly horrible abuse from some individuals on social media and email. Nothing which would make an actual MP bat an eyelid in terms of quantity, obviously, but when someone publicly calls you “a cancer”, your first reaction isn’t “oh well, at least it’s not as bad as what Jeremy Corbyn gets”. We’re all human. Except Jacob Rees-Mogg. Although there have been some threats, they’ve been relatively unthreatening threats, if that makes sense: I’ve not taken to checking under my car. Nonetheless, it’s fair to say I haven’t had this much anglo-saxon directed towards me since the last time I refereed a rugby league game. Yes Disidealist 2019-02-09 5:22:20 PM Michaeldakin
DI000003 (edit) Flattening The Grass: the endpoint of Govianism disidealist 15 February 2019 This week, both the TES and Schoolsweek rather courageously put their heads above the parapet by running stories on what has become known as the “Flattening The Grass” scandal. Essentially, some academy chains -much praised by Ofsted- have been deliberately employing a policy of humiliating their pupils, often to the point of those pupils experiencing trauma and breaking down in tears. I wrote about this spread of deliberate emotional abuse of children in a previous blog. What is worth looking at in this case, is the way the “flattening the grass” case highlights how several different strands of Govian education policy have converged to deliver the outcome which is currently appalling those adults who believe children should be safe from abuse when they attend school Yes Disidealist 2019-02-15 10:37:39 PM Michaeldakin
DI000004 (edit) Notes From The Cult: After EU. No, After EU disidealist 28 May 2019 Someone I know rather well is very much of the opinion that, unless there’s some sort of discomfort or self-denial involved in any activity, it’s not worth doing. There’s a puritanical streak in this philosophy which I recognise from teaching about the 17th Century, but initially, coming from a frankly hedonistic “if there’s chocolate on the table, eat it before anyone else does” background, I found it a bit weird and annoying. Actually, who am I trying to kid? I still find it a bit weird and annoying. However, the one advantage it offers is that events which cause intense irritation to the rest of us, make her feel nobler, even happier. So a thunderstorm on a day out is ‘bracing’; forgetting snacks on a long walk makes the food at the destination all the more deserved and enjoyable; spending hours stuck in a miserable airport somehow makes the holiday that much more fun. I have to tell you, however, that even she is struggling to find much of a redeeming silver-lining of godly sacrifice in the almighty kicking Labour got in yesterday’s EU elections. Yes Disidealist 2019-08-26 9:33:37 PM Michaeldakin
DNS000060 (edit) Two years on from Supreme Court bus ruling, protesters call for overdue action John Pring 24 January 2019 '''Campaigners have protested outside the Department for Transport (DfT) to call for new laws that would protect the rights of wheelchair-users to use buses, on the second anniversary of a ground-breaking Supreme Court victory.''' Two years ago (on 18 January), the Supreme Court ruled that First Bus had breached its duty to make reasonable adjustments for disabled people under the Equality Act through its “first come, first served” policy on the use of wheelchair spaces. It was the first case of disability discrimination in service provision to be heard by the country’s highest court, and the victory followed a five-year legal battle by accessible transport activist Doug Paulley Yes Disability News Service
DNS000062 (edit) MPs’ online abuse report: ‘Government ignored disabled people in safety probe John Pring 24 January 2019 '''A government examination of online safety almost entirely ignored the needs of disabled people, despite them facing “horrendous, degrading and dehumanising” abuse when they try to use the internet, a committee of MPs said this week.''' The Commons petitions committee said this week that it was difficult to see how the government could tackle this abuse – which it said was even a “life and death issue” for some users – if it failed to consider or consult disabled people. It called on the government to admit that the current model of self-regulation of social media had failed disabled people and to take steps to ensure that social media companies “accept their responsibility for allowing illegal and abusive content on their sites and the toxic environment this creates for users” Yes Disability News Service
DNS000063 (edit) MPs’ online abuse report: Disabled people ‘exposed to horrendous abuse’ John Pring 24 January 2019 '''An inquiry by a committee of MPs has revealed the “horrendous, degrading and dehumanising” abuse that disabled people are exposed to when they use the internet.''' The inquiry heard from disabled people who face abuse not just on social media but also through online games, web forums, and comments on news stories on media websites. The House of Commons petitions committee has now published its final report on this abuse, and has concluded that self-regulation of social media has failed disabled people Yes Disability News Service
DNS000064 (edit) Care watchdog criticised over abandoned bid to replace service-user contracts John Pring 24 January 2019 '''The care watchdog is facing heavy criticism after being forced to abandon a year-long attempt to find organisations to run a programme that sends expert service-users to assist on inspections of care homes, hospitals and care agencies across England.''' The Experts by Experience (ExE) programme is currently run by two contractors, Choice Support and Remploy, but disabled people and other service-users who take part in the scheme have been pushing the Care Quality Commission (CQC) for years to dump Remploy because of its poor performance. A process to find new contractors began in August 2017, with an invitation to tender released in August 2018, but CQC decided to terminate the process last November Yes Disability News Service
DNS000065 (edit) Rudd accused of misleading MPs on universal credit by exaggerating jobcentre visits John Pring 24 January 2019 '''The new work and pensions secretary has been accused of misleading MPs about her government’s under-fire universal credit benefit system, after she was caught exaggerating the number of jobcentres she had visited since her appointment.''' Amber Rudd told the House of Commons earlier this month that she had visited “many” jobcentres since being appointed to replace Esther McVey as work and pensions secretary in November. She used this reference to her frequent visits to justify her claim that jobcentre staff were “enthusiastic about universal credit” Yes Disability News Service
DNS000066 (edit) Lobby aims to persuade MPs that DWP must First Do No Harm on assessments John Pring 24 January 2019 '''Disabled activists are hoping to use a parliamentary meeting next month to persuade more MPs that action must be taken to prevent further deaths caused by the government’s much-criticised fitness for work test.''' The First Do No Harm lobby on 13 February aims to expose the continued harm caused to disabled people by government social security reforms. And it will focus on the repeated failure of the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) to ensure that the “further medical evidence” needed to demonstrate a disabled person’s eligibility for out-of-work disability benefits is always collected, particularly for claimants with mental health conditions Yes Disability News Service
DNS000067 (edit) DWP refuses to reveal police forces that share information on disabled protesters John Pring 24 January 2019 '''The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) is refusing to say which police forces have passed it video footage and other information about claimants of disability benefits who have taken part in anti-fracking and anti-austerity protests.''' DWP’s attempt to hide its links with police forces has caused fresh anger among activists, who have this week called on disabled people to complain to their MPs, as well as police forces and DWP itself. They have also called for disabled people to support those activists affected by such police actions Yes Disability News Service
DNS000068 (edit) Last-ditch appeal to new Welsh first minister over independent living scheme John Pring 31 January 2019 A disabled campaigner has sent an 80-page dossier of evidence to the new first minister of Wales in a last-ditch bid to persuade him to abandon plans to close the Welsh government’s independent living grant scheme. Nathan Lee Davies has written to Mark Drakeford with just two months left until the planned closure of the Welsh Independent Living Grant (WILG), which was itself set up as an interim scheme following the UK government’s decision to close the Independent Living Fund in June 2015 Yes Disability News Service 2019-01-31 10:16:31 PM Michaeldakin
DNS000069 (edit) DPAC warns Labour to rethink support for universal basic income John Pring 31 January 2019 Campaigners are warning the Labour party to rethink its support for a radical new benefit system because of risks that its introduction would further isolate and impoverish disabled people. In a new report, UBI: Solution or Illusion? The Implications of Universal Basic Income for Disabled People in Britain, Disabled People Against Cuts (DPAC) says support for universal basic income (UBI) has been growing steadily among those both on the left and the right of politics Yes Disability News Service 2019-01-31 10:18:25 PM Michaeldakin
DNS000071 (edit) MPs praise campaigners who received threats and abuse over access court cases John Pring 31 January 2019 MPs have heard how disabled campaigners were abused and threatened, while one was even reported to the police, after taking legal actions against service-providers for disability discrimination. Esther Leighton and Doug Paulley (pictured) were praised by MPs for their campaigning work, after giving evidence yesterday (Wednesday) as part of an inquiry by the Commons women and equalities committee into enforcement of the Equality Act 2010. The committee is particularly looking at the enforcement role of the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC), which was criticised by both Leighton and Paulley in their evidence Yes Disability News Service 2019-01-31 10:21:06 PM Michaeldakin
DNS000073 (edit) Minister seeks recruits for new disability network… but refuses to pay them John Pring 31 January 2019 The minister for disabled people is refusing to pay the chairs and members of nine new regional groups she is setting up to bring the views of disabled people and their organisations closer to government. The refusal to pay for their work and time has angered disabled people’s organisations (DPOs) and follows a string of embarrassing failures to engage with disabled people and their user-led organisations in what critics say is a clear breach of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD). When the Office for Disability Issues (ODI) announced last month that it was setting up a new Regional Stakeholder Network, it said it wanted to “provide a channel for disabled people and their organisations to share their views and experiences about policies and services that affect them” Yes Disability News Service 2019-01-31 10:23:20 PM Michaeldakin
DNS000074 (edit) Cross-government suicide prevention plan ignores DWP John Pring 31 January 2019 Ministers have failed to include the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) in a new cross-government plan aimed at reducing suicides, despite years of evidence linking such deaths with the disability benefits system and social security reforms. The Department of Health and Social Care’s (DHSC) first Cross-Government Suicide Prevention Workplan details how it will work with a string of government departments and other organisations to cut the number of suicides Yes Disability News Service 2019-01-31 10:24:35 PM Michaeldakin
DNS000075 (edit) New charter aims to put dignity and respect at heart of local services John Pring 7 February 2019 '''Disabled campaigners have launched a new charter that aims to persuade organisations – and individuals – in their local area to treat people with dignity and respect.''' Ken and Tracy McClymont have spent four years working on the Dudley Dignity Charter, which lists 10 key principles for how people should be treated, focusing on areas such as communication, privacy, choice, control, advocacy and fairness. The McClymonts, both key figures in Dudley Centre for Inclusive Living (Dudley CIL), have worked on the charter with another local disabled people’s organisation, Disability In Action, with support from Dudley Metropolitan Borough Council and Healthwatch Dudley Yes Disability News Service 2019-02-09 7:02:54 PM Michaeldakin
DNS000078 (edit) Newton forced to apologise after misleading MPs in WOW debate John Pring 7 February 2019 '''The minister for disabled people has been forced to apologise to MPs after Disability News Service (DNS) caught her misleading MPs about support for disabled people for the fourth time in less than a year.''' The misleading comments by Sarah Newton (pictured) about disability poverty came in December when she was responding to a House of Commons debate on the impact of eight years of cuts to disability support. But it was only on Tuesday this week, four days after DNS had drawn the attention of her press officers to her misleading comments, that she sent a letter apologising to MPs Yes Disability News Service 2019-02-09 7:07:08 PM Michaeldakin
DNS000081 (edit) Parents who home educate disabled children ‘scapegoated’ by commissioner John Pring 14 February 2019 Families forced into home educating their disabled children because of the lack of support from mainstream schools are among parents who are being “scapegoated” by the children’s commissioner, according to a disabled mum and campaigner. Anne Longfield, the children’s commissioner for England, published a report last week that calls for action to address the lack of knowledge about the standard of education and safety of the tens of thousands of children currently being home educated Yes Disability News Service 2019-02-14 8:37:58 PM Michaeldakin
DNS000084 (edit) MP speaks of pride at being dyspraxic at launch of Neurodivergent Labour John Pring 14 February 2019 A disabled MP has spoken of her pride at being able to speak openly about being dyspraxic, after having to hide her diagnosis from employers for years before she entered parliament. Emma Lewell-Buck (pictured) was previously a social worker but was “acutely aware that if there were any job cuts that would come around, it would be used against me and I would be the first one in the dole queue”. She said she used to take work home with her at weekends, work late into the evening and start early in the morning because, like many other disabled people, she felt she had to “go the extra mile” and “work that little bit harder to prove yourself or keep up” Yes Disability News Service 2019-02-14 8:41:31 PM Michaeldakin
DNS000087 (edit) Ministers block release of ‘no deal Brexit’ social care recruitment plans John Pring 14 February 2019 Ministers are refusing to release information that would show what extra plans – if any – the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) has put in place to deal with an adult social care recruitment crisis in the event of a “no deal Brexit”. With just 43 days until Britain faces the possibility of leaving the European Union without a deal in place, DHSC claimed that “premature” release of the information could put at risk “effective policy formulation and development regarding our exit from the EU”. Instead of releasing its records, it has pointed to “high level” plans published just before Christmas, but they suggest that ministers have no plans in place to deal with an adult social care recruitment crisis Yes Disability News Service 2019-02-14 8:45:36 PM Michaeldakin
DNS000092 (edit) Call for urgent probe into police passing DWP information about protesters John Pring 21 February 2019 There are growing concerns and calls for an urgent investigation into admissions by two police forces that they have shared information about protesters with the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP). Both Lancashire and Greater Manchester police forces have now admitted passing on information to DWP about people taking part in protests. The admissions originally came following claims reported by Disability News Service (DNS) that police forces had been targeting disabled people taking part in peaceful anti-fracking protests across England Yes Disability News Service 2019-02-21 10:43:36 PM Michaeldakin
DNS000096 (edit) Disability Labour crowdfunds costs for conference access hub after party ‘snub’ John Pring 22 August 2019 Disabled delegates who are providing free access and mental health advice and support to delegates at next month’s Labour conference have had to launch an “embarrassing” crowdfunding appeal after they say the party refused to pay for any free accommodation. At last year’s annual conference in Liverpool, the “disability hub” run by Disability Labour provided support for numerous disabled delegates, with the party paying hotel costs for one volunteer. Yes Disability News Service 2019-08-24 9:36:52 PM Michaeldakin
DNS000105 (edit) Trio of disabled peers pledge to fight off no-deal Brexit ‘time bomb’ John Pring 5 September 2019 Three disabled peers have pledged to do all they can to avert the significant impact on disabled people of a no-deal Brexit, with one warning of a “time bomb” that is now likely to “detonate”. They spoke out this week as MPs and peers returned from their summer recess, facing the threat of the UK being forced to leave the European Union (EU) without an agreement at the end of next month. The disabled crossbench peer Baroness [Tanni] Grey-Thompson told Disability News Service (DNS) last night (Wednesday) from the House of Lords that a no-deal Brexit would be “disastrous” for disabled people. Yes Disability News Service 2019-09-07 6:09:47 PM Michaeldakin
DNS000112 (edit) Months of PIP distress ‘hastened my brother’s death’ John Pring 3 October 2019 The brother of a disabled man who was denied disability benefits when he was dying has launched a petition calling on the government to scrap the outsourcing of all face-to-face assessments to private contractors. James Oliver, from Hastings – the constituency of former work and pensions secretary Amber Rudd – spent the last few months of his life in despair over the refusal of the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) to grant him personal independence payment (PIP) No Disability News Service 2019-10-07 2:17:02 PM Michaeldakin
FINK000004 (edit) When the stench of corrution reeks to high heaven: Sorcha Ryder, Niamh Lynch, and Truth Norman Finklestein 25 January 2019 WHEN THE STENCH OF CORRUPTION REEKS TO HIGH HEAVEN An Open Letter to Students, Faculty and Staff at Trinity College (Dublin) If one’s olfactory organ comes under assault from the foul stench of official corruption, then what’s to be done: cover one’s nose or clear the air? I’ve opted for the latter civic course of action. No Finklestein
JC000010 (edit) Palestinians in Israel face uncertain political future amid Joint List split Jonathan Cook 25 January 2019 A political coalition representing Israel’s Palestinian minority – currently the third biggest faction in the Israeli parliament, the Knesset – has been plunged into crisis by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s decision to call for a surprise general election for April. Long-simmering ideological and personal tensions within the Joint List, comprising Israel’s four main Palestinian parties, have erupted into a split over who should dominate the faction Yes Jonathan Cook
JC000014 (edit) Anti-semitism is cover for a much deeper divide in Britain’s Labour party Jonathan Cook 21 February 2019 Breakaway MPs hope that smearing Corbyn will obscure the fact that they are remnants of an old political order bankrupt of ideas ''Middle East Eye – 20 February 2019'' The announcement by seven MPs from the UK Labour Party on Monday that they were breaking away and creating a new parliamentary faction marked the biggest internal upheaval in a British political party in nearly 40 years, when the SDP split from Labour Yes Jonathan Cook 2019-02-21 4:24:42 PM Michaeldakin
JC000017 (edit) Sur Baher home demolitions illustrate a vicious spiral of oppression in Palestine Jonathan Cook 28 July 2019 Recent events have shone a spotlight not only on how Israel is intensifying its abuse of Palestinians under its rule, but the utterly depraved complicity of western governments in its actions. The arrival of Donald Trump in the White House two-and-a-half years ago has emboldened Israel as never before, leaving it free to unleash new waves of brutality in the occupied territories. Western states have not only turned a blind eye to these outrages, but are actively assisting in silencing anyone who dares to speak out Yes Jonathan Cook 2019-09-07 7:19:20 PM Michaeldakin
ML000018 (edit) The Shaving Kit - Manufacturing The Julian Assange Witch-Hunt Editor 20 June 2019 Last week, UK Home Secretary Sajid Javid signed the US extradition request to hand over Julian Assange, who is charged with 18 counts of violating the US Espionage Act. Assange's immediate fate now lies in the hands of the British justice system. Javid 'consistently voted for use of UK military forces in combat operations overseas', including war on Afghanistan, Syria and the catastrophic 2011 assault on Libya. In other words, he is a key figure in precisely the US-UK Republican-Democratic-Conservative-Labour war machine exposed by WikiLeaks. Yes Media Lens 2019-08-25 6:22:26 PM Michaeldakin
ML000021 (edit) ‘Can I Keep You Safe? Your Future Is Uncertain’: Climate And The Fate Of Humanity Media Lens 31 March 2020 In the face of the coronavirus pandemic, the most immediate objective is to slow its spread, minimise the death toll and help people through the crisis. But, despite government promises to support citizens who are now losing their jobs and income, the underlying establishment concern will be as it always has been: to preserve the global inequitable system of wealth and power. Private interests, including airlines, fossil fuel industries and sinister-sounding ‘businesses crucial to national security’, have been busy lobbying governments for taxfunder-paid bailouts. Notoriously, Richard Branson’s Virgin Atlantic even asked its employees to take eight weeks of unpaid leave, while hundreds of thousands in the UK are struggling to access benefits after becoming unemployed No Media Lens 2020-04-10 1:06:17 PM Michaeldakin
MS000064 (edit) Labour calls for landlords still using Grenfell-style cladding to be named Ceren Sagir 22 January 2019 LANDLORDS continuing to use dangerous cladding on high-rise buildings should be named and shamed by ministers, Labour’s shadow housing minister John Healey told the government today. In an urgent Commons question, he asked Housing Secretary Kit Malthouse to update MPs on what action has been planned and taken by the government in relation to high-rise residential blocks with flammable cladding. Yes Morning Star
MS000065 (edit) Labour warns of ‘culture of short termism’ in British industry after Dyson move to Singapore Marcus Barnett 23 January 2019 LABOUR urged the government to tackle the “culture of short termism” in British industry today after Dyson announced its intention to move its headquarters to Singapore. The technology company’s head offices will be moving from Malmesbury in Wiltshire to Singapore this year, it announced today. Dyson boss Jim Rowan told the BBC that the decision was to establish Dyson as a “global company.” Yes Morning Star
MS000067 (edit) Tories face fresh High Court legal challenge over ‘irrational’ universal credit reform Ceren Sagir 23 January 2019 THE GOVERNMENT faced a fresh legal challenge over its “irrational” universal credit (UC) welfare reform today. Supporters gathered outside the High Court in London as the court heard that the key Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) policy has had a “disproportionately adverse effect” on disabled claimants Yes Morning Star
MS000068 (edit) Retail industry lost 70,000 jobs in the last three months of 2018 Peter Lazenby 24 January 2019 BRITAIN’S retail crisis accelerated in the last three months of 2018 with 70,000 jobs axed in the sector, research revealed today. The number of employees in the sector fell by 2.2 per cent in the final quarter of last year when compared with the same period in 2017, said the British Retail Consortium (BRC) Yes Morning Star
MS000070 (edit) Cops call for an end to Tory cuts as figures show a rise in violent crime MS 24 January 2019 POLICE forces are calling for the reversal of government cuts to allow “more boots on the ground” after the latest figures revealed today that reports of violent crime rose by 19 per cent in one year. Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) chair John Apter said forces are “swimming against the tide and it is the public who are being let down.” He added that the government’s Violent Crime Strategy had omitted to mention that there are 22,000 fewer police officers since 2010 — with 80 per cent lost from the front line Yes Morning Star
MS000075 (edit) Glasgow protest planned after Home Office tries to deport Sudanese refugees Phil Miller 25 January 2019 OVER 150 people will rally in Glasgow’s George Square tomrrow afternoon to highlight the dire human rights situation in Sudan. On the eve of the protest, rally organiser Aala Hamza told the Star that two Sudanese asylum-seekers in Glasgow had been picked up by the Home Office this week. The pair, who were taken to Dungavel Immigration Removal Centre in South Lanarkshire, face deportation despite the ongoing violence in Sudan Yes Morning Star
MS000078 (edit) Decision to deport father of five and former soldier to Jamaica branded ‘an absolute disgrace Ceren Sagir 28 January 2019 A DECISION to deport a former solider with PTSD and bipolar was branded “irresponsible” by campaigners today amid an investigation into the Windrush scandal. Former British army Commonwealth soldier Twane Morgan, who served in Afghanistan, has been booked on a Titan Airways flight along with around 50 others to be deported to Jamaica on February 15. The father of five was detained last Wednesday when he went to his weekly sign-in and transferred to Colnbrook Immigration Removal Centre without his vital medication Yes Morning Star 2019-01-28 11:31:15 PM Michaeldakin
MS000080 (edit) Number of black kids in custody reaches record high Phil Miller 29 January 2019 “SHAMEFUL” new evidence reveals today that over half of children behind bars are from black or other minority backgrounds – the highest level since records began in 2001. Campaigners are warning that institutional racism, cuts and private prisons have fuelled this disproportionate number of non-white kids being incarcerated. Yes Morning Star 2019-01-29 7:54:37 PM Michaeldakin
MS000083 (edit) Labour frontbencher Ashworth backs striking lecturers Peter Lazenby 29 January 2019 LABOUR frontbencher Jon Ashworth threw his weight behind striking lecturers today as pickets began a 48-hour walk-out at 13 colleges over pay. The shadow health secretary sent a message of support to members of the University and College Union (UCU) in his Leicester South constituency. Mr Ashworth said: “I fully support and express my solidarity with UCU staff at our colleges, fighting for fair pay. Investing in our staff is vital to improving further education and means a better quality of education for students. Yes Morning Star 2019-01-29 8:00:25 PM Michaeldakin
MS000089 (edit) Corbyn leads tributes to Jeremy Hardy Marcus Barnett 1 February 2019 JEREMY CORBYN led tributes today to socialist comedian Jeremy Hardy, who has died at the age of 57. The Labour leader spoke of his “dear, lifelong friend,” saying: “He always gave his all for everyone else and the campaigns for social justice. “You made us all smile. You made us all think.” Yes Morning Star 2019-02-03 9:52:20 AM Michaeldakin
MS000091 (edit) Oxfordshire residents urged to fight mental health underfunding Marcus Barnett 1 February 2019 OXFORDSHIRE’S 700,000 residents were urged today to fight against “serial underfunding” of their mental health services. Unite called on the county to lobby their six MPs about consistent underspending by Oxfordshire Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG). The CCG spent far below the national average of 13.9 per cent of its commissioning budget on mental health services in the past year, the union said Yes Morning Star 2019-02-03 9:55:24 AM Michaeldakin
MS000094 (edit) Liberty slams MoD and it’s ‘second-rate’ military justice system Phil Miller 1 February 2019 BRITAIN’S Ministry of Defence (MoD) runs a “second-rate” military justice system that systematically fails rape victims, a scathing new report released today by human rights group Liberty claims. It found “significant flaws” in the way the armed forces deal with “some of the most sensitive and serious criminal cases involving service personnel.” Yes Morning Star 2019-02-03 10:00:24 AM Michaeldakin
MS000097 (edit) Tories sacrificing British shipbuilding to ‘the free market,’ unions charge Conrad Landin 7 February 2019 TORIES are letting British shipbuilding “die out in the name of the free market,” unions charged today as 150 job losses were announced at Babcock’s Rosyth shipyard. The company said it had deemed “around 150 specific roles” as “no longer needed” after it had “assessed our current workload and medium-term opportunities.” Yes Morning Star 2019-02-09 9:20:25 PM Michaeldakin
MS000101 (edit) Less than a quarter of Cambridge colleges pay living wage Marcus Barnett 8 February 2019 LESS than a quarter of Cambridge University colleges pay their staff the real living wage, a damning study revealed today. Only seven out of the 31 university colleges pay their staff the £8.75 wage Yes Morning Star 2019-02-12 12:29:11 PM Michaeldakin
MS000107 (edit) Tory report slammed for slashing foreign aid proposal Lamiat Sabin 12 February 2019 CAMPAIGNERS and charities condemned a Tory report published yesterday for proposing to “effectively abolish” Britain’s international development programme post-Brexit. The report by Conservative MP Bob Seely and James Rogers, of the right-wing Henry Jackson Society think tank, suggests cutting the overall aid budget from 0.7 per cent to 0.5 per cent. The document, which includes a foreword by the former foreign secretary Boris Johnson, is set to contribute to a Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) review of Britain’s global role after leaving the EU. Yes Morning Star 2019-02-12 12:42:38 PM Michaeldakin
MS000112 (edit) Unite call for TGI Friday's to be investigated over how restaurant treats its workers Marcus Barnett 12 February 2019 TAX inspectors are being asked to investigate alleged workplace abuses at branches of TGI Fridays across the country. The Unite union is calling on HM Revenue and Customs to urgently investigate a series of complaints over how the US restaurant chain’s senior management treats its workers. The alleged abuses include a failure to pay staff for undertaking compulsory training in their time off Yes Morning Star 2019-02-13 8:05:50 PM Michaeldakin

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