Youth leaders call for a Corbyn government to tackle debt crisis

Marcus Barnett - 27 August 2018

One in five young people 'always' in debt, survey finds as labour movement activists say low-pay economy is to blame

ONLY a Jeremy Corbyn-led Labour government will end soaring debt among young people and a yawning pay gap with their elders, labour movement youth leaders warned today.

Damning statistics show a generation is living in fear of permanent, unmanageable debt.

A study by the Young Women’s Trust found one in five of 4,000 people surveyed always owed money, while 36 per cent could not see themselves getting out of debt any time soon.

One in three young people felt they would still be living in debt at the age of 40, the survey found. A quarter said their financial situations had worsened in the last 12 months.... See more

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