Most people blame Tories for botched Brexit, poll finds

Editorial - 25 August 2018

CHAOS in the Conservative ranks over Brexit means most people already blame Theresa May’s government for a bad deal before an agreement on Britain’s departure has even been struck, new figures show.

A poll of over 10,000 people by the anti-Brexit People’s Vote campaign, which argues that voters in 2016 did not understand the consequences of leaving the EU and should be made to vote again after Ms May has thrashed out an agreement on terms with Brussels, found that 62 per cent said a bad deal would be “mainly the fault of the government.”... See more

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The Morning Star supports peace and socialism. It defends peaceful protests and civil disobedience and industrial action by workers to improve working conditions and wages. The Morning Star is concerned with environmental issues and supports environment campaigning groups; it advocates unilateral nuclear disarmament. The paper advocates a vote for the Labour Party in most seats, except for the handful in which the Communist Party of Britain has a candidate.

On international issues, it advocates a two-state solution to the Israeli–Palestinian conflict and calls for Israeli withdrawal from Palestinian territories. It was the only daily paper in Britain to oppose the 1999 Kosovo War, denouncing military intervention by NATO, The newspaper also opposed the Iraq War. On Northern Ireland, the paper takes a pro-Irish nationalism line. News reports from Northern Ireland are described as "By Our Foreign Desk".

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