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In 2007 the UK signed up to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD)

The UK holds the dubious accolade of being the first country to be investigated for contravening the convention

The investigation centred around the Tory / Lib Dem Welfare Act 2012, as well as in the Welfare Reform and Work Act 2016

The UN Committee concluded that there is reliable evidence that the threshold of grave or systematic violations of the rights of persons with disabilities has been met

The impact assessments conducted by the Tories / Lib Dems prior to the implementation of its welfare reform expressly foresaw an adverse impact on persons with disabilities

Several measures have disproportionally and adversely affected the rights of persons with disabilities

Measures resulting in reduction of support provided to meet the extra cost of disability, denial of reasonable accommodation in assessment procedures and realization of the right to employment have had a discriminatory effect on persons with disabilities

13,900 persons with disabilities have lost their Motability schemes and therefore their adapted cars by 2016

41,792 Employment and Support Allowance work related activity group sanctions were handed out up to March 2014

Evidence gathered nationally by the Parliament, the independent monitoring framework, universities and research institutes have documented adverse and disproportionate effects of measures on persons with disabilities

The Tories continued its policy of reducing social benefits of persons with disabilities as reflected in the Welfare Reform and Work Act 2016

The UN findings were rejected in full by the Tories

The next Labour government will sign the UNCRPD into UK law

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