Housing Campaign Groups
StART is a group of Haringey residents and workers who want to see the St Ann’s Hospital site used permanently for the good of all our local communities. We have initiated a community-led and transparent process for a housing development, which puts local people in control while providing genuinely affordable homes, promoting health and wellbeing, and creating a green neighbourhood. Two-thirds of the St Ann’s Hospital site was due to be sold for private housing development, with only 14% of the homes classed as “affordable”. The proposal took no account of the needs of local people at a time of severe housing need. Earlier in 2018 the GLA purchased the land from the hospital, and we are currently working with the GLA to influence a community-led development on the site. For an in-depth overview of our plans for the St Ann’s site, read our Masterplan - Our Vision Takes Shape. | |
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