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The NHS was widely regarded as one of the most efficient healthcare systems in the developed world

The efficiency was achieved despite being one of the lowest spenders of developed nations on health services

Since 2010 the NHS has seen the highest reduction in funding since the 1951 Tory government

There has been £4.6 billion reduction (31%) in local authority social care budgets since 2011 ) which increases NHS workload

Transfered of £3.8 billion of NHS funds to care in the community

At least £4.5 billion a year is spent following the Health and Social Care Act of 2012 introduced by the Tory - Lib Dem coalition

It is estimated that the NHS is spending more than £3,700 every minute to pay for privately financed hospitals

The Tories cut £200 million in Local Authority public health budgets

Since 2010/11 Payment by Results system have been cut by over 40% for a quarter of the treatments that hospitals provide

Cuts in Payment by Results has led to the NHS now charging for some treatments (hip replacements for example)

From 2016 onwards budgets fell sharply, down to just a 0.9 per cent increase in 2017

By 2018-19 there was a 0.6% fall in real spending per head

Growth in funding is forecast at 0.2% for 2019-20 and at 0.9% going forward

In 2010/11, just 5 per cent of these providers overspent their annual budgets

By 2015/16, 66% of trusts were in deficit

The ‘Sustainability and Transformation Fund’ contributed to a fall in deficits, but 44 per cent of trusts still overspent their budgets in 2017/18, with acute hospitals accounting for just under 90 per cent of all providers in deficit

The NHS provider sector as a whole ended 2017/18 with a deficit of £960 million

NHS providers started the financial year 2017/18 with a £4bn black hole between their underlying costs and income

In March 2019, the public accounts select committee said NHS finances “remain in a perilous state"

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