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About Evolve Politics

Evolve is an independent, shared equity media outlet, providing news reporting and investigative journalism that highlights and exposes injustice, inequality and unfairness within UK politics, and throughout society in general.

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BREAKING: Tories become first government to lose Finance Bill vote for 41 years after Yvette Cooper No Deal amendment passes

Tom D Rogers - 08 January 2019

Theresa May’s Conservative Party have suffered the ignominy of becoming the first ruling party to be defeated on a Finance Bill vote in 41 years after an amendment tabled by Labour MP Yvette Cooper to hand MPs more powers to prevent a No Deal Brexit was narrowly voted through by MPs.

Cooper’s amendment passed by a slim margin 7, gaining 303 votes for and 296 against, and means that the government will now be accountable to MPs if it wishes to implement a No Deal Brexit... See more

Getting the Tories out will help far more people than stopping Brexit – and, unfortunately, we can’t have both.

Tom D Rogers - 28 December 2018

The majority of Labour supporters – myself included – know full-well that Brexit won’t solve any of Britain’s many problems. However, despite the fact that I voted Remain – and would do again if I had the chance – I fully support Jeremy Corbyn’s stance on Brexit for one extremely simple reason: getting the Tories out of government will help far more people than stopping Brexit – and unfortunately, given the way Britain’s electoral system works, it is now impossible for us to have both.... See more

Tory MP makes miraculous u-turn after losing life savings due to Tory policy he personally supported

Tom D Rogers - 28 December 2018

A Conservative Party MP has had a miraculous change of heart after being forced to spend his entire life savings defending himself against false allegations of rape and sexual abuse – a financial loss which only occurred thanks to Tory-led legal aid cuts which he personally supported.... See more

WATCH: Chancellor Philip Hammond admits that 8 years of Tory cuts have been a TOTAL CON JOB

Tom D. Rogers - 8 November 2018

For eight long years, the Conservative Party have carefully constructed, and meticulously maintained, the myth that cuts to public services are an absolute necessity in order to get Britain’s finances back into shape following the 2008 financial crash. But, in a small Committee room on the 5th of November 2018, the sitting Tory Chancellor toppled his own party’s rhetorical house of cards by finally admitting that the their near-decade-long economic plan had been built on nothing but lies... See more

Tory DWP Secretary Esther McVey has just been accused of lying to Parliament AGAIN

Alex Tiffin - 7 November 2018

Mental Health Charity, Mind, has called out the Conservative Party Work and Pensions Secretary Esther McVey, accusing her of lying about them in Parliament. The charity felt the need to speak out after McVey told Parliament that the charity supposedly supports the government’s new regulations for Universal Credit. However, despite McVey’s latest attempt to distort reality, what is very clear now is that Mind certainly do not.... See more

Tories under pressure to sack new Housing Chief after “antisemitic conspiracy theories” surface

Tom D. Rogers - 6th November 2018

The Conservative Party’s claims to hold a zero tolerance approach towards antisemitism have been left in tatters after their decision to appoint a new Housing Tsar who has been repeatedly accused of antisemitism and is a friend of the anti-Jewish far-right Hungarian President, Viktor Orban.

On Friday, the Tory Communities Secretary James Brokenshire announced that the philosopher and author Roger Scruton had been appointed to chair the Tories’ new Housing and Architecture Committee... See more

Damning new report reveals UK media guilty of “myriad inaccuracies and distortions” in Labour antisemitism reporting

Tom D. Rogers - 27 September 2018

A damning new in-depth study conducted by a highly respected independent Media Reform organisation has exposed that all wings of the British media deployed “myriad of inaccuracies and distortions” in their reporting on the ongoing antisemitism row within the Labour Party.

The astonishing new report, conducted by the Media Reform Coalition, claims that in reporting the controversial Labour antisemitism row, the UK media were guilty of “marked skews in sourcing, omission of essential context or right of reply, misquotation, and false assertions made either by journalists themselves or sources whose contentious claims were neither challenged nor countered.“... See more

Universal Credit almost killed me – Labour Conference must vote to scrap this horrific new Tory system completely

Alex Tiffin - 22 September 2018

I suffer from several chronic complex health conditions which affect my day to day life in different ways. I am wheelchair-bound because of Functional Neurological Disorder – a condition which causes a complete loss of feeling below my knees, as well as weakness in my arms that, at its worst, means I cannot feed myself. I have Crohn’s Disease – an incredibly painful lifelong digestive disorder which is severely affected by which foods I eat. I have Polycythemia JAK2 – a rare blood disorder which causes numerous functional problems. And, on top of these, I also have Borderline Personality Disorder... See more

Theresa May appoints Tory Peer who advocates NHS privatisation to crucial ‘independent’ NHS Chairman role

William J Richardson - 9 September 2018

The man who Theresa May has just appointed Chairman of the NHS, Tory Peer Lord Prior of Brampton – who will take over from Sir Malcolm Grant in the autumn – attended a secret conference in 2013 which was held specifically to discuss privatisation of the NHS.

The seminar, which took place in Windsor and included discussions on topics such as “private health insurance growth opportunities”, was organised by the private healthcare firm, McKinsey, who tried to block details of the conference being made public.... See more

Establishment fury as Anti-Corbyn Labour Peer labels Lord Sacks a ‘voice for extremism’ over Enoch Powell-Corbyn comparison

Tom D. Rogers - 3 September 2018

The prominent pro-Remain anti-Corbyn Labour Peer, Lord Andrew Adonis, has sparked Establishment fury after slamming the former Chief Rabbi, Lord Sacks, as a “voice for extremism” over his recent controversial comments which compared the Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn to the infamously racist Conservative MP, Enoch Powell.

In a letter sent to the former Chief Rabbi this morning, the historically anti-Corbyn Labour Peer wrote that he ‘deplore[d]’ Lord Sacks’ controversial comparison.

Adonis’ letter goes on to question whether Lord Sacks had even read Enoch Powell’s infamous ‘Rivers of Blood Speech’, before slamming the former Chief Rabbi’s rhetoric by stating:... See more

Labour record highest income from party membership EVER in British political history

Tom D. Rogers - 22 August 2018

Despite the mainstream media attempting to portray supporters of Jeremy Corbyn as simply some kind of ‘cult’, the Labour Party’s latest annual accounts have revealed that the party are now bringing in more money from ordinary party members than any other party has done in British political history.

Since Jeremy Corbyn was elected Labour leader in 2015, he has reinvigorated the party, leading to around 400,000 members joining in the past 3 years alone. This huge rise in membership has seen Labour’s income skyrocket, and the party’s latest accounts spanning 2017 show that Labour are now bringing in a staggering 2000% more than the Conservative Party from ordinary party members’ fees... See more

Tory MP accused of anti-Muslim hate demands EXPULSION of Muslim Tory Peer calling for Islamophobia inquiry

Tom D. Rogers - 15 August 2018

A Conservative MP who faced widespread accusations of spreading anti-Muslim hatred in 2016 has been severely criticised again after demanding the expulsion of the Senior Muslim Tory Peer who is currently calling for an investigation into widespread Islamophobic hate within the Tory party.

Tory MP for Richmond Park, Zac Goldsmith, was roundly criticised for running a ‘disgusting and risible‘ campaign of ‘dog-whistle racism’ against Muslim London Mayor Sadiq Khan in the London Mayoral contest in 2016.... See more

BBC accused of covering up Theresa May’s role in the horrific murder of 29 children

Tom D. Rogers - 10 August 2018

The British public broadcaster, the BBC, have been accused of intentionally covering up the role played by the UK government and Theresa May in the horrific murder of at least 29 children in a devastating attack on a school bus yesterday afternoon.

The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) reported that the lifeless bodies of at least 29 children – the majority whom were under 10 years old – had been received into a hospital in Sa’ada, Yemen, following a Saudi-led military strike on a Yemeni school bus carrying dozens of school children.

The ICRC also reported that 48 others had been injured, 30 of whom were said to be children.

However, the Yemeni Al-Masirah TV station claimed that the figures were even higher, reporting that 47 people may have been killed, with another 77 wounded... See more

Michael Gove’s wife just said abusing Muslims is “clever and funny”

Tom D. Rogers - 13 August 2018

The wife of the Conservative Environment Secretary, Michael Gove, has sparked outrage after claiming that abusing Muslims is ‘clever and funny‘.

Sarah Vine, who also writes as a columnist for the Daily Mail, made the controversial outburst in response to left-wing journalist Owen Jones on Twitter... See more