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Labour would introduce free, lifelong education in Further Education (FE) colleges, enabling everyone to upskill or retrain at any point in life

Labour would abandon Conservative plans to once again reinvent the wheel by building new technical colleges, redirecting the money to increase teacher numbers in the FE sector

Labour will improve careers advice and open up a range of routes through, and back into, education, striking a balance between classroom and on-the-job training, to ensure students gain both technical and soft skills

Bring funding for 16 to 18-year-olds in line with Key Stage 4 baselines, while ensuring that the budget is distributed fairly between colleges and school sixth forms

Restore the Education Maintenance Allowance for 16 to 18-year-olds from lower and middle-income backgrounds

Replace Advanced Learner Loans and upfront course fees with direct funding, making FE courses free at the point of use, including English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) courses

Encourage co-operation and leadership across colleges and sixth forms

Improve curriculum breadth and quality

Setting a target, backed up by funding, for all FE teaching staff to have a teaching qualification within five years

We would extend support for training to teachers in the private sector

Increase capital investment to equip colleges to deliver T-levels and an official pre-apprenticeship trainee programme

Maintain the apprenticeship levy while taking measures to ensure high quality by requiring the Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education to report on an annual basis to the Secretary of State on quality outcomes of completed apprenticeships

Set a target to double the number of completed apprenticeships at NVQ level 3 by 2022

Give employers more flexibility in how the levy is deployed, including allowing the levy to be used for pre-apprenticeship programmes

Guarantee trade union representation in the governance structures of the Institute of Apprenticeships

Protect the £440 million funding for apprenticeships for small and medium-sized employers who don’t pay the levy

Set targets to increase apprenticeships for people with disabilities, care leavers and veterans, and ensure broad representation of women, BAME, LGBT and people with disabilities in all kinds of apprenticeships

Consult on introducing incentives for large employers to over-train numbers of apprentices to fill skills gaps in the supply chain and the wider sector

Reverse cuts to Unionlearn

Set up a commission on Lifelong Learning tasked with integrating further and higher education

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