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About The London Economic

The London Economic emerged from a political blog sharing platform created by Jack Peat in 2012. It was developed through to 2014 into an alternative news website in an attempt to redress the political power of the mainstream media.

While it focuses on UK political affairs, it also has Business, Economics, Food, Sport, Entertainment, Lifestyle, Travel and Property pages.

Corbyn puts pressure on May to cut short MP’s break to allow vote to take place ASAP

Jack Peat - 28 December 2018

Jeremy Corbyn has put pressure on Prime Minister Theresa May to recall parliament early to allow a vote on her Brexit deal to take place “as soon as possible”.

The Labour leader reiterated that he wants MPs to have a vote as soon as possible in an interview with The Independent.

He also suggested that if May were to lose that vote – which looks likely – he would call for a confidence vote in the government that could potentially trigger the snap general election Labour says it wants.

In his interview, he said: “We’ve made clear it’s a question of when, not if, we do a vote of no confidence in the government. Obviously we do [it] at a time when their confidence is the lowest ever, which I suspect will be after they’ve lost the vote.”... See more

Immigration White Paper doesn’t “meet the UK’s needs & would be a sucker punch for many firms”

Joe Mellor - 19 December 2018

Low-skilled workers from EU countries will no longer have the automatic right to work in the UK after Brexit, under proposed new immigration rules.

Home Secretary Sajid Javid said the plans – to be published later – will not include a “specific target” for reducing numbers coming into the UK.

The CBI has responded to plans for a new post-Brexit immigration system as set out in the UK Government’s Immigration White Paper.

Josh Hardie, CBI Deputy Director-General, said: “A new immigration system must command public confidence and support the economy. These proposals would achieve neither.... See more

Govt must assess impact of UC on disabled recipients & ‘not leave people destitute’

Joe Mellor - 19 December 2018

An influential group of cross-party MPs have published a report urging the Government to properly look at the impact of Universal Credit on disabled people.

The Work and Pensions Select Committee, chaired by Frank Field MP, is particularly concerned about people currently on the older benefit Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) losing out on ‘disability premiums’* – extra money which will no longer be available after they’ve moved over to Universal Credit (UC).

In addition, the report expresses concern about the lack of clarity or adequate protections for people facing the process of ‘managed migration’, which will see thousands of people with mental health problems make a new claim for UC within three months, and lose their income if they fail to do so.... See more

Sexting MP has whip restored to help May get over the line

Jack Peat - 12 December 2018

Andrew Griffiths has had the Tory whip restored today as Theresa May frantically looks to get the support she needs to survive tonight’s vote of no confidence.

The Prime Minister will face the vote this evening with results expected to come in at around 9pm tonight.

And she will need all hands on deck if she is to survive.

Andrew Griffiths resigned earlier this year after it was revealed he sent 2,000 texts to two barmaids asking for explicit photos and videos and describing degrading sex acts in crude detail.... See more

Lawyer speaks out over BBC bias against Corbyn as evidence of “coded negative imagery” emerges

Jack Peat - 12 December 2018

One of Britain’s leading barristers has claimed he has evidence of BBC bias against Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn.

Jolyon Maugham QC, director of the Good Law Project, took to social media to post the alleged evidence of bias against Corbyn.

He said a senior BBC journalist has told him that the BBC has indulged in showing “coded negative imagery” of Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn since his election in 2015.... See more

“Ludicrous” Home Office u-turn on suspension of ‘Golden Visa’ scheme

Joe Mellor - 12 December 2018

The u-turn on suspending the ‘Golden Visa’ scheme feels as if it was snuck in as the Brexit situation became febrile yesterday. Only last week the Government said it would halt the scheme as a sweeping crackdown on financial crime.

The UK’s anti-corruption policy was under scrutiny on Tuesday after the government failed to implement a promise to suspend a widely criticised “golden visa” scheme.... See more

ECJ rules Britain can cancel Brexit as MPs prepare to vote on May’s deal for leaving EU

Jack Peat - 10 December 2018

The European Court of Justice has ruled the UK can cancel Brexit without the permission of the other 27 EU members.

The ruling comes as MPs prepare to vote on Theresa May’s deal for leaving the EU, which is expected to end in a crushing defeat for the beleaguered PM.

It comes after a senior ECJ official – the advocate general – said last week he agreed the UK should be able to change its mind about leaving.... See more

Conservatives abandon Northern Powerhouse as spending gets ploughed into the south

Jack Peat - 05 December 2018

Conservative promises to build a Northern Powerhouse lay in tatters today after new research found spending in the north of England has fallen by £6.3 billion while the south-east and south-west of England have seen an increase of £3.2 billion since 2009-10.

Analysis of official figures by thinktank IPPR North showed that the north of England continued to see bigger cuts in public spending than any other region.

Spending per head in London has increased by twice as much as spending in the north – £326 per head in London, compared with £146 per head in the north – since the launch of George Osborne’s Northern Powerhouse initiative in 2014.... See more

For the first time in history MPs vote government in contempt of parliament over hiding full Brexit advice

Ben Gelblum - 04 December 2018

There were extraordinary scenes in the House of Commons as for the first time in history MPs voted to find the Government in contempt of Parliament over its refusal to release its full legal advice on Brexit.

The Government is now set to publish the full text.

Theresa May’s attempts to hide the full legal advice on her Brexit deal despite MPs voting that they should see it avote on the deal were scuppered.

“The government is wilfully refusing to comply with abinding order of this house,” Shadow Brexit Secretary Kier Starmer told MPs in today’s debate... See more

Child poverty statistics declared an “outrage and a scandal”

Jack Peat - 04 December 2018

New statistics that show a third of children are living in poverty have been declared an “outrage and a scandal” by Labour MP David Lammy.

A report by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation revealed half a million more people are “trapped” in poverty than five years ago, with 14 million people living in poverty across the whole of the UK.

Over half of those classed as in poverty are working age adults, alongside 4.1 million are children and 1.9 million are pensioners.... See more

Tory MPs face backlash for Foodbank publicity stunt

Jack Peat - 3 December 2018

Conservative politicians in Scotland have faced a backlash today after a Foodbank publicity stunt backfired.

MPs including Ross Thomson, John Lamount, Kirstene Hair and Luke Graham appeared to use scripted copy to boast about donations they made to an annual food collection organised by supermarkets in conjunction with Trussell Trust.

Stephen Paton, online content editor at The National, tweeted: “If you want to give the impression you’ve spontaneously donated to a food bank, probably best not to mostly copy and paste whatever the Scottish Tory PR office sent”.... See more


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