Matt Hancock MP and the new Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, simply lied this morning on BBC radio four. Yes. That’s absolutely correct, barefaced outright lies. His statement that clinicians welcomed the change to the four hour A&E targets is completely wrong. (See the information graphs from the HSJ below).

Despite the Conservatives promising more money for the NHS, it simply is not enough. Just fixing the NHS estate, the faulty heating, roofs, operating theatres will cost £6b. The PM’s pledge includes just £1 billion for the repairs and maintenance fund, which is barely enough to cover the ‘high risk’ backlog of maintenance needs reported by hospitals. Years of underfunding and underinvestment in the NHS’s means this so called ‘extra money’ will barely touch the sides.

The Royal College of Physicians press statement this morning says health inequalities must be addressed and have urged the Government to adopt a prevention strategy, they state,

‘Perhaps the biggest omission from the paper is a clear understanding of the link between poverty and ill health’

That doesn’t bode well for Thanet! With our high levels of poverty, insecure work and low wages. Not to mention the number of people with ill-health, including mental health needs which aren’t being met.

The NHS is now underperforming in every way. The Conservatives know the targets aren’t being meet so they are changing the targets! Putting our health in jeopardy. And perpetuating the biggest con trick in modern times.

Matt Hancock also commented on staffing. We need to be clear. The Conservatives, have actually created the staffing crisis, which has already led to the early closure of the Stroke unit in Tunbridge Wells and the introduction of Thanet Primary Care Networks, which is further rationing of access to GPs. This is precisely why we have such long waits for Mental Health services. Its why we can’t recruit five community Psychiatric Nurse Practitioners at the Beacon. It’s why we can’t recruit to the Stroke unit at QEQM.

The staffing crisis is ‘mission critical’. Without the right staff, in the right place, at the right time, the NHS doesn’t work. It simply doesn’t work.

A General Election is coming. You will have you chance, your last chance to save our NHS.