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|pagesource=Manifesto 2019:Tackle Poverty and Inequality - Housing - Homelessness
|ff1=Tackle the root causes of rising homelessness with more affordable homes and stronger rights for renters
|ff2=End rough sleeping within five years, with a national plan driven by a prime minister-led taskforce
|ff3=Expand and upgrade hostels, turning them into places where people can turn their lives around
|ff4=Make available 8,000 additional homes for people with a history of rough sleeping
|ff5=Tackle the wider causes of homelessness, raising the Local Housing Allowance in line with the 30th percentile of local rents
|ff6=Tackle the wider causes of homelessness, earmarking an additional £1 billion a year for councils’ homelessness services
|ff7=Bring in a new national levy on second homes used as holiday homes to help deal with the homelessness crisis
|ff8=Save lives this winter by ensuring extra shelters and support are in place in all areas
|ff9=Repeal the Vagrancy Act and amend antisocial behaviour legislation to stop the law being used against people because they are homeless
=Constitutional Issues=
|pagename=Constitutional Issues
|pagesource=Manifesto 2019:Tackle Poverty and Inequality - Constitutional Issues
|1=Constitutional Issues
|ff1=Act immediately to end the hereditary principle in the House of Lords
|ff2=Work to abolish the House of Lords in favour of Labour’s preferred option of an elected Senate of the Nations and Regions
|ff3=The renewal of our Parliament will be subject to recommendations made by a UK-wide Constitutional Convention, led by a citizens’ assembly
|ff4=Safeguard the future of a devolved UK, reforming the way in which it works to make it fit for the future
|ff5=Decentralise decision-making and strengthen local democracy
|ff6=Re-establish regional Government Offices to make central government more attuned to our English regions, to support our regional investments, and to enable the shift of political power away from Westminster
|ff7=Repeal the Fixed-term Parliaments Act 2011, which has stifled democracy and propped up weak governments
|ff8=Maintain 650 constituencies and respond objectively to future, independent boundary reviews
|ff9=Oversee the largest extension of the franchise in generations, reducing the voting age to 16
|ff10=Give full voting rights to all UK residents
|ff11=Make sure everyone who is entitled to vote can do so by introducing a system of automatic voter registration
|ff12=Abandon plans to introduce voter ID which has been shown to harm democratic rights
|pagename=Tackling Vested Interests
|pagesource=Manifesto 2019:Tackle Poverty and Inequality - Constitutional Issues - Tackling Vested Interests
|1=Tackling Vested Interests