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|ff14=Stop social cleansing by making sure regeneration only goes ahead when it has the consent of residents, and that all residents are offered a new property on the same site and terms
|ff15=Fund a new Decent Homes programme to bring all council and housing association homes up to a good standard
|pagename=Home Ownership
|pagesource=Manifesto 2019:Tackle Poverty and Inequality - Housing - Home Ownership
|1=Home Ownership
|ff1=Build more low-cost homes reserved for first-time buyers in every area
|ff2=Include Labour’s new discount homes with prices linked to local incomes
|ff3=Reform Help to Buy to focus it on first-time buyers on ordinary incomes
|ff4=Introduce a levy on overseas companies buying housing, while giving local people ‘first dibs’ on new homes built in their area
|ff5=Bring empty homes back into use by giving councils new powers to tax properties empty for over a year
|ff6=End the scandal of leasehold for the millions who have bought their home but don’t feel like they own it
|ff7=End the sale of new leasehold properties, abolish unfair fees and conditions, and give leaseholders the right to buy their freehold at a price they can afford
|ff8=Introduce equivalent rights for freeholders on privately owned estates
|pagename=Private Renters
|pagesource=Manifesto 2019:Tackle Poverty and Inequality - Housing - Private Renters
|1=Private Renters
|ff1=Take urgent action to protect private renters through rent controls, open-ended tenancies, and new, binding minimum standards
|ff2=Stop runaway rents by capping them with inflation, and give cities powers to cap rents further
|ff3=Give renters the security they need to make their rented housing a home, with new open-ended tenancies to stop unfair, ‘no fault’ evictions
|ff4=Ensure every property is up to scratch with new minimum standards, enforced through nationwide licensing
|ff5=Tougher sanctions for landlords who flout the rules
|ff6=Fund new renters’ unions in every part of the country – to allow renters to organise and defend their rights
|ff7=Get rid of the discriminatory rules that require landlords to check people’s immigration status
|ff8=Get rid of the discriminatory rules that allow them to exclude people on housing benefit
|ff9=Give councils new powers to regulate short-term lets through companies such as Airbnb
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