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|ff1=Take action to close the gender pay gap by 2030
|ff2=Deliver gender pay equality by making the state responsible for enforcing equal pay legislation for the first time
|ff3=The new Workers’ Protection Agency working with HMRC will ensure that employers take equal pay seriously and take positive action to close the gender pay gap.
|ff4=Women will no longer be left to take enforcement action by themselves through the courts
|ff5=Require all employers with over 250 employees to obtain government certification on gender equality or face further auditing and fines. By the end of 2020, we will lower the threshold to workplaces with 50 employees, whilst providing the necessary additional support for small businesses
|ff6=Revolutionise parents’ rights by increasing paid maternity leave from nine to 12 months, doubling paternity leave to four weeks and extending pregnancy protection.
|ff7=We will ban the dismissal of pregnant women without prior approval of the inspectorate
|ff8=Transform the workplace and require all large employers to have flexible working, including a menopause policy, and consider changes to sickness and absence practices
|ff9=Enable positive action for recruitment to roles where employers can justify the need for more diversity and introduce a right for all workers to request flexibility over their hours from the first day of employment
|ff10=Ensure that the single-sex-based exemptions contained in the Equality Act 2010 are understood and fully enforced in service provision
|ff11=Create a safer society for women and prioritise domestic abuse as a health issue, introduce 10 days of paid leave for survivors of domestic abuse, and ensure women’s refuges receive the long-term sustainable funding they need. Misogyny and violence against women and girls will become hate crimes
|ff12=Increase women’s representation across parliament by building on the Equality Act and enact Section 106 so that all political parties publish diversity data about electoral candidates
|pagename=Race Equality
|pagesource=Manifesto 2019:Tackle Poverty and Inequality - Women and Equalities - Race Equality
|1=Race Equality
|ff1=Ensure a pathway to economic inclusion for all, putting an end to all forms of racism and discrimination in our economy and society
|ff2=Seek to end the politics of hate and commission an independent review into the threat of far-right extremism and how to tackle it
|ff3=Put wealth and power in the hands of the many, extend pay-gap reporting to BAME groups and tackle pay discrimination on the basis of race
|ff4=Commit our National Investment Bank to addressing discrimination in access to finance, which many BAME business owners face; and take action to ensure that BAME and women business owners have access to government contracts and spending
|ff5=Implement recommendations of the Lammy Review to address the disparity of treatment and outcomes for BAME people within the criminal justice system.
|ff6=Create an Emancipation Educational Trust to educate around migration and colonialism, and to address the legacy of slavery and teach how it interrupted a rich and powerful black history which is also British history
|ff9=Strengthen protection for religious communities
|ff10=Amend the law to include attacks on places of worship (including synagogues, temples, mosques and churches) as a specific aggravated offence
|ff11=Review current levels of funding for and access to the Places of Worship Protective Security Funding Scheme
|ff12=Maintain funding in real terms for the Community Security Trust, and consult on giving it statutory protection to ensure that religious communities have the support they need
|pagename=Disability with Dignity
|pagesource=Manifesto 2019:Tackle Poverty and Inequality - Women and Equalities - Disability with Dignity
|1=Disability with Dignity
|ff1=Champion the social model of disability throughout government.
|ff2=Through our new Department for Women and Equalities, we will ensure that disabled people can be independent and equal in society, with choice and control over their own lives
|ff3=Transform the workplace for disabled people by requiring that all employers be trained to better support them, while introducing mandatory disability pay-gap reporting for companies with over 250 employees
|ff4=End disability discrimination and update the Equality Act to introduce new specific duties including disability leave, paid and recorded separately from sick leave
|ff5=Recommend that the Equality and Human Rights Commission prepare a specific code of practice on reasonable adjustments to supplement existing codes. The code will also set timescales for implementation of reasonable adjustments to end the long and distressing delays experienced by disabled workers
|ff6=Reinstate the Access to Elected Office Fund to enable disabled people to run for elected office
|ff7=Adopt a British Sign Language Act, giving BSL full legal recognition in law
|ff8=Work with employers, trade unions and public services to improve awareness of neurodiversity in the workplace and in society
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