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|ff1=Take action to close the gender pay gap by 2030
|ff2=Deliver gender pay equality by making the state responsible for enforcing equal pay legislation for the first time
|ff3=The new Workers’ Protection Agency working with HMRC will ensure that employers take equal pay seriously and take positive action to close the gender pay gap.
|ff4=Women will no longer be left to take enforcement action by themselves through the courts
|ff5=Require all employers with over 250 employees to obtain government certification on gender equality or face further auditing and fines. By the end of 2020, we will lower the threshold to workplaces with 50 employees, whilst providing the necessary additional support for small businesses
|ff6=Revolutionise parents’ rights by increasing paid maternity leave from nine to 12 months, doubling paternity leave to four weeks and extending pregnancy protection.
|ff7=We will ban the dismissal of pregnant women without prior approval of the inspectorate
|ff8=Transform the workplace and require all large employers to have flexible working, including a menopause policy, and consider changes to sickness and absence practices
|ff9=Enable positive action for recruitment to roles where employers can justify the need for more diversity and introduce a right for all workers to request flexibility over their hours from the first day of employment
|ff10=Ensure that the single-sex-based exemptions contained in the Equality Act 2010 are understood and fully enforced in service provision
|ff11=Create a safer society for women and prioritise domestic abuse as a health issue, introduce 10 days of paid leave for survivors of domestic abuse, and ensure women’s refuges receive the long-term sustainable funding they need. Misogyny and violence against women and girls will become hate crimes
|ff12=Increase women’s representation across parliament by building on the Equality Act and enact Section 106 so that all political parties publish diversity data about electoral candidates
|pagename=Race Equality
|pagesource=Manifesto 2019:Tackle Poverty and Inequality - Women and Equalities - Race Equality
|1=Race Equality
|ff1=Ensure a pathway to economic inclusion for all, putting an end to all forms of racism and discrimination in our economy and society
|ff2=Seek to end the politics of hate and commission an independent review into the threat of far-right extremism and how to tackle it
|ff3=Put wealth and power in the hands of the many, extend pay-gap reporting to BAME groups and tackle pay discrimination on the basis of race
|ff4=Commit our National Investment Bank to addressing discrimination in access to finance, which many BAME business owners face; and take action to ensure that BAME and women business owners have access to government contracts and spending
|ff5=Implement recommendations of the Lammy Review to address the disparity of treatment and outcomes for BAME people within the criminal justice system.
|ff6=Create an Emancipation Educational Trust to educate around migration and colonialism, and to address the legacy of slavery and teach how it interrupted a rich and powerful black history which is also British history
|ff9=Strengthen protection for religious communities
|ff10=Amend the law to include attacks on places of worship (including synagogues, temples, mosques and churches) as a specific aggravated offence
|ff11=Review current levels of funding for and access to the Places of Worship Protective Security Funding Scheme
|ff12=Maintain funding in real terms for the Community Security Trust, and consult on giving it statutory protection to ensure that religious communities have the support they need
|pagename=Disability with Dignity
|pagesource=Manifesto 2019:Tackle Poverty and Inequality - Women and Equalities - Disability with Dignity
|1=Disability with Dignity
|ff1=Champion the social model of disability throughout government.
|ff2=Through our new Department for Women and Equalities, we will ensure that disabled people can be independent and equal in society, with choice and control over their own lives
|ff3=Transform the workplace for disabled people by requiring that all employers be trained to better support them, while introducing mandatory disability pay-gap reporting for companies with over 250 employees
|ff4=End disability discrimination and update the Equality Act to introduce new specific duties including disability leave, paid and recorded separately from sick leave
|ff5=Recommend that the Equality and Human Rights Commission prepare a specific code of practice on reasonable adjustments to supplement existing codes. The code will also set timescales for implementation of reasonable adjustments to end the long and distressing delays experienced by disabled workers
|ff6=Reinstate the Access to Elected Office Fund to enable disabled people to run for elected office
|ff7=Adopt a British Sign Language Act, giving BSL full legal recognition in law
|ff8=Work with employers, trade unions and public services to improve awareness of neurodiversity in the workplace and in society
|pagename=LGBT+ Equality
|pagesource=Manifesto 2019:Tackle Poverty and Inequality - Women and Equalities - LGBT+ Equality
|1=LGBT+ Equality
|ff1=Eliminate remaining areas of discrimination in law, ensuring that LGBT+ people can live in safety and dignity
|ff2=Put LGBT+ equality at the heart of government, ensuring our public services are LGBT+ inclusive and delivering on the national LGBT Action Plan
|ff3=Take steps to safeguard LGBT+ rights inside or outside the EU, such as retaining and promoting the Human Rights Act
|ff4=Tackle the homelessness and rough sleeping crisis in the UK, ensuring that all strategies and services are tailored to understand needs unique to LGBT+ homeless people, particularly young people who make up a disproportionate number of our currently homeless people
|ff5=Provide sufficient funding for schools to deliver mandatory LGBT+ inclusive relationships and sex education
|ff6=Fully fund sexual health services and roll out PrEP medication.
|ff7=Respond fast and firmly wherever LGBT+ people face violence or persecution internationally and appoint a dedicated global ambassador to the Foreign Office on LGBT+ issues
|ff8=Work with organisations and charities already making the UK a more equal and fairer society
|pagesource=Manifesto 2019:Tackle Poverty and Inequality - Migration
|ff1=Establish a humane immigration system and end the ‘hostile environment’ that caused the Windrush scandal
|ff2=Scrap the 2014 Immigration Act introduced by the Tories with their Liberal Democrat coalition partners
|ff3=We will not tolerate a two-tier system for those entitled to be here
|ff4=End the Windrush injustices and provide fair compensation to those who have unfairly suffered
|ff5=End indefinite detention, review the alternatives to the inhumane conditions of detention centres, and close Yarl’s Wood and Brook House
|ff6=Ensure justice for migrant domestic workers and restore the overseas domestic workers’ visa
|ff7=If we remain in the EU, freedom of movement would continue
|ff8=If we leave the EU, it will be subject to negotiations, but we recognise the social and economic benefits that free movement has brought both in terms of EU citizens here and UK citizens abroad
|ff9=End the deportation of family members of people entitled to be here and end the minimum income requirements which separate families
|pagesource=Manifesto 2019:Tackle Poverty and Inequality - Migration - Refugees
|ff1=uphold rights to seek asylum and meet those obligations
|ff2=Resume rescue missions in the Mediterranean
|ff3=Co-operate with the French authorities to put an end to the horrific camps, and establish safe and legal routes for asylum seekers
|ff4=Once here, refugees will have the right to work, access to public services and will be treated humanely by government at all levels
=Social Security=
|pagename=Social Security
|pagesource=Manifesto 2019:Tackle Poverty and Inequality - Social Security
|1=Social Security
|ff1=Develop a cross- governmental National Strategy for Childhood focusing on health, security, well-being and poverty
|ff2=Give effect to the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child
|pagename=Universal Credit
|pagesource=Manifesto 2019:Tackle Poverty and Inequality - Social Security - Universal Credit
|1=Universal Credit
|ff1=Labour will scrap Universal Credit (UC)
|ff2=Immediately stop moving people onto UC and design an alternative system that treats people with dignity and respect
|ff3=Our ambition in designing this system will be to end poverty by guaranteeing a minimum standard of living
|ff4=Develop a new system immediately
|ff5=Implement an emergency package of reforms to mitigate some of the worst features of UC while we develop our replacement system
|ff6=End the five-week wait by introducing an interim payment based on half an estimated monthly entitlement
|ff7=Immediately suspend the Tories’ vicious sanction regime and ensure that employment support is positive not punitive
|ff8=Stop 300,000 children from being in poverty by scrapping the benefit cap and the two child limit
|ff9=End the immoral and outrageous ‘rape clause’
|ff10=Pay childcare costs up front so that parents aren’t forced to turn down work or get into debt to pay for childcare
|ff11=Protect women in abusive relationships by splitting payments and paying the child element to the primary carer
|ff12=Make it easier for people to manage their living costs by introducing fortnightly payments and paying the housing element directly to landlords
|ff13=End the digital barrier and offer telephone, face-to- face and outreach support and recruit 5,000 additional advisors to deliver this
|ff14=Scrap the bedroom tax
|ff15=Increase the Local Housing Allowance
|pagename=Disabled People
|pagesource=Manifesto 2019:Tackle Poverty and Inequality - Social Security - Disabled People
|1=Disabled People
|ff1=Give effect to the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and amend the Equality Act to reflect the social model of disability
|ff2=Stop the dehumanising Work Capability and PIP Assessments, which repeatedly and falsely find ill or disabled people fit to work
|ff3=Make sure all assessments are done in-house
|ff4=Make sure people who are ill and disabled receive the support they need to lead full, independent lives
|ff5=Increase Employment and Support Allowance by £30 per week for those in the work-related activity group
|ff6=Raise the basic rate of support for children with disabilities to the level of Child Tax Credits
|ff7=Ensure that severely disabled people without a formal carer receive extra support to enable them to meet the extra costs they inevitably face
|ff8=Support those who look after others, increasing the Carer’s Allowance to the level of the Jobseeker’s Allowance
|ff9=Help disabled people who want to work by bringing back specialist employment advisors
|ff10=Introduce a government-backed Reasonable Adjustments Passport scheme to help people move between jobs more easily
|ff11=Review support for disabled people at work, including the Access to Work scheme
|pagesource=Manifesto 2019:Tackle Poverty and Inequality - Social Security - Pensions
|ff1=Labour recognises the Waspi injustice, and will work with these women to design a system of recompense for the losses and insecurity they have suffered
|ff2=Ensure that such an injustice can never happen again by legislating to prevent accrued rights to the state pension from being changed
|ff3=Abandon the Tories’ plans to raise the State Pension Age, leaving it at 66
|ff4=Review retirement ages for physically arduous and stressful occupations, including shift workers, in the public and private sectors
|ff5=Maintain the ‘triple lock’
|ff6=Guarantee the Winter Fuel Payment, free TV licences and free bus passes as universal benefits
|ff7=Stop people being auto-enrolled into rip-off pension schemes and seek to widen and expand access for more low-income and self-employed workers
|ff8=Establish an independent Pensions’ Commission, modelled on the Low Pay Commission, to recommend target levels for workplace pensions
|ff9=Create a single, comprehensive and publicly run pensions dashboard that is fully transparent, including information about costs and charges
|ff10=Legislate to allow the CWU- Royal Mail agreement for a collective pension scheme to proceed and allow similar schemes
|ff11=End the injustice of the state taking 50% of the surplus in the Mineworkers’ Pension Scheme and introduce new sharing arrangements so that 10% goes to government and 90% stays with scheme members
|ff12=Ensure that the pensions of UK citizens living overseas rise in line with pensions in Britain
|pagesource=Manifesto 2019:Tackle Poverty and Inequality - Housing
|ff1=Bring system-wide change, so that a tragedy like Grenfell never happens again
|ff2=Introduce a £1 billion Fire Safety Fund to fit sprinklers and other fire safety measures in all high- rise council and housing association tower blocks
|ff3=Enforce the replacement of dangerous Grenfell- style cladding on all high-rise homes and buildings
|ff4=Introduce mandatory building standards and guidance, inspected and enforced by fully trained Fire and Rescue Service fire safety officers
|ff5=Create a new Department for Housing
|ff6=Make Homes England a more accountable national housing agency
|ff7=Put councils in the driving seat of local housing
|ff8=Set out a strategy for a flourishing construction sector with a skilled workforce and full rights at work
|ff9=Set up a new English Sovereign Land Trust, with powers to buy land more cheaply for low-cost housing
|ff10=Use public land to build this housing, not sell it off to the highest bidder
|ff11=Developers will face new ‘use it or lose it’ taxes on stalled housing developments
|ff12=Keep the Land Registry in public hands, and make ownership of land more transparent
|ff13=Make brownfield sites the priority for development and protect the green belt
|ff14=Tackle the climate crisis and cut energy bills by introducing a tough, new zero-carbon homes standard for all new homes
|ff15=Upgrade millions of existing homes to make them more energy efficient
|ff16=Review the planning guidance for developments in flood risk areas
|pagename=Council and Social Homes
|pagesource=Manifesto 2019:Tackle Poverty and Inequality - Housing - Council and Social Homes
|1=Council and Social Homes
|ff1=Deliver a new social housebuilding programme of more than a million homes over a decade, with council housing at its heart
|ff2=By the end of the Parliament we will be building at an annual rate of at least 150,000 council and social homes
|ff3=100,000 houses built by councils for social rent in the biggest council housebuilding programme in more than a generation
|ff4=Establish a new duty on councils to plan and build these homes in their area
|ff5=Fund councils to build these home with backing from national government
|ff6=Scrap the Conservatives’ bogus definition of ‘affordable’, set as high as 80% of market rents, and replace it with a definition linked to local incomes
|ff7=These council and housing association homes will be more affordable than market housing and built to higher standards
|ff8=End the conversion of office blocks to homes that sidestep planning permission through ‘permitted development’
|ff9=Stop the haemorrhage of low- cost homes by ending the right to buy
|ff10=Stop the forced conversion of social rented homes to so-called ‘affordable rent’
|ff11=Review the case for reducing the amount of housing debt councils currently hold
|ff12=Give councils the powers and funding to buy back homes from private landlords
|ff13=Give tenants a stronger say in the management of their homes
|ff14=Stop social cleansing by making sure regeneration only goes ahead when it has the consent of residents, and that all residents are offered a new property on the same site and terms
|ff15=Fund a new Decent Homes programme to bring all council and housing association homes up to a good standard
|pagename=Home Ownership
|pagesource=Manifesto 2019:Tackle Poverty and Inequality - Housing - Home Ownership
|1=Home Ownership
|ff1=Build more low-cost homes reserved for first-time buyers in every area
|ff2=Include Labour’s new discount homes with prices linked to local incomes
|ff3=Reform Help to Buy to focus it on first-time buyers on ordinary incomes
|ff4=Introduce a levy on overseas companies buying housing, while giving local people ‘first dibs’ on new homes built in their area
|ff5=Bring empty homes back into use by giving councils new powers to tax properties empty for over a year
|ff6=End the scandal of leasehold for the millions who have bought their home but don’t feel like they own it
|ff7=End the sale of new leasehold properties, abolish unfair fees and conditions, and give leaseholders the right to buy their freehold at a price they can afford
|ff8=Introduce equivalent rights for freeholders on privately owned estates
|pagename=Private Renters
|pagesource=Manifesto 2019:Tackle Poverty and Inequality - Housing - Private Renters
|1=Private Renters
|ff1=Take urgent action to protect private renters through rent controls, open-ended tenancies, and new, binding minimum standards
|ff2=Stop runaway rents by capping them with inflation, and give cities powers to cap rents further
|ff3=Give renters the security they need to make their rented housing a home, with new open-ended tenancies to stop unfair, ‘no fault’ evictions
|ff4=Ensure every property is up to scratch with new minimum standards, enforced through nationwide licensing
|ff5=Tougher sanctions for landlords who flout the rules
|ff6=Fund new renters’ unions in every part of the country – to allow renters to organise and defend their rights
|ff7=Get rid of the discriminatory rules that require landlords to check people’s immigration status
|ff8=Get rid of the discriminatory rules that allow them to exclude people on housing benefit
|ff9=Give councils new powers to regulate short-term lets through companies such as Airbnb
|pagesource=Manifesto 2019:Tackle Poverty and Inequality - Housing - Homelessness
|ff1=Tackle the root causes of rising homelessness with more affordable homes and stronger rights for renters
|ff2=End rough sleeping within five years, with a national plan driven by a prime minister-led taskforce
|ff3=Expand and upgrade hostels, turning them into places where people can turn their lives around
|ff4=Make available 8,000 additional homes for people with a history of rough sleeping
|ff5=Tackle the wider causes of homelessness, raising the Local Housing Allowance in line with the 30th percentile of local rents
|ff6=Tackle the wider causes of homelessness, earmarking an additional £1 billion a year for councils’ homelessness services
|ff7=Bring in a new national levy on second homes used as holiday homes to help deal with the homelessness crisis
|ff8=Save lives this winter by ensuring extra shelters and support are in place in all areas
|ff9=Repeal the Vagrancy Act and amend antisocial behaviour legislation to stop the law being used against people because they are homeless
=Constitutional Issues=
|pagename=Constitutional Issues
|pagesource=Manifesto 2019:Tackle Poverty and Inequality - Constitutional Issues
|1=Constitutional Issues
|ff1=Act immediately to end the hereditary principle in the House of Lords
|ff2=Work to abolish the House of Lords in favour of Labour’s preferred option of an elected Senate of the Nations and Regions
|ff3=The renewal of our Parliament will be subject to recommendations made by a UK-wide Constitutional Convention, led by a citizens’ assembly
|ff4=Safeguard the future of a devolved UK, reforming the way in which it works to make it fit for the future
|ff5=Decentralise decision-making and strengthen local democracy
|ff6=Re-establish regional Government Offices to make central government more attuned to our English regions, to support our regional investments, and to enable the shift of political power away from Westminster
|ff7=Repeal the Fixed-term Parliaments Act 2011, which has stifled democracy and propped up weak governments
|ff8=Maintain 650 constituencies and respond objectively to future, independent boundary reviews
|ff9=Oversee the largest extension of the franchise in generations, reducing the voting age to 16
|ff10=Give full voting rights to all UK residents
|ff11=Make sure everyone who is entitled to vote can do so by introducing a system of automatic voter registration
|ff12=Abandon plans to introduce voter ID which has been shown to harm democratic rights
|pagename=Tackling Vested Interests
|pagesource=Manifesto 2019:Tackle Poverty and Inequality - Constitutional Issues - Tackling Vested Interests
|1=Tackling Vested Interests
|ff1=Change how politics is funded, banning donations from tax avoiders and tax evaders
|ff2=Close loopholes that allow the use of shell companies to funnel dark money into politics
|ff3=Repeal the Lobbying Act 2014 and overhauling the rules that govern corporate lobbying
|ff4=Introduce a lobbying register covering both in-house lobbyists and think tanks
|ff5=Lobbying register extended to contacts made with all senior government employees, not just ministers
|ff6=Increase the financial penalties available to the Electoral Commission and require imprints for digital political adverts
|ff7=Stop MPs from taking paid second jobs, with limited exemptions to maintain professional registrations like nursing
|ff8=Replace ACOBA, the business appointments committee, with a sufficiently resourced and empowered new body, governed by a diverse and representative board and established in law
|ff9=Overhaul the system of ministerial appointments to public office
|ff10=Bring greater transparency by extending Freedom of Information rules to cover private providers of public services
|ff11=Set new standards of consistent disclosure practice
|ff12=End the six-month time limit in which the Information Commissioner can prosecute the deliberate destruction of public records
|pagename=Northern Ireland
|pagesource=Manifesto 2019:Tackle Poverty and Inequality - Constitutional Issues - Northern Ireland
|1=Northern Ireland
|ff1=Work quickly and tirelessly to secure the return of a genuine power- sharing government in Northern Ireland
|ff2=Invest an extra £1.9 billion to end austerity and rebuild public services in Northern Ireland
|ff3=Fully implement new laws on equal marriage in Northern Ireland so that same-sex couples are no longer treated as second-class citizens
|ff4=Bring forward and implementing a Bill of Rights for Northern Ireland as outlined in the Good Friday Agreement
|ff5=Women in Northern Ireland should have access to abortions in Northern Ireland
|ff6=Protect Northern Ireland and its people in any future Brexit outcome by ensuring that there is no return to a hard border between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland or the creation of a regulatory border down the Irish Sea
|pagesource=Manifesto 2019:Tackle Poverty and Inequality - Constitutional Issues - Wales
|ff1=Include the Welsh Government’s 20-point plan for the future of the UK to better recognise the realities of a devolved UK
|ff2=Long-term reform of how the UK allocates public expenditure to ensure that it reflects the needs of different parts of our country
|ff3=Labour in Wales has pioneered the social partnership approach, investing an extra £3.4 billion in Wales, and a UK Ministry for Employment Rights we will be able to do much more
|ff4=Create jobs in Wales through environmental energy schemes such as the Swansea Bay tidal lagoon project
|ff5=Work with people of Ynys Môn (Anglesey)to maximise its potential for new nuclear energy, alongside investment in renewables
|ff6=Wales and Westminster will work together, using the Thomas Commission on Justice report to improve the justice system
|pagesource=Manifesto 2019:Tackle Poverty and Inequality - Constitutional Issues - Scotland
|ff1=Give around 700,000 Scottish workers a pay rise when we introduce a Real Living Wage of £10 an hour
|ff2=Provide Scotland with at least around £100 billion of additional resources over two terms
|ff3=£10 billion from our new National Transformation Fund invested in the building of 120,000 council and social homes in Scotland over the next ten years, ending the housing crisis and creating up to 50,000 jobs
|ff4=As part of our Green Industrial Revolution we will invest £6 billion in retrofitting houses across Scotland, which will help tackle the climate emergency at the same time as lowering bills, ending fuel poverty and creating 35,000 jobs
|ff5=Provide the Scottish National Investment Bank, under Scottish control, with £20 billion of lending power to deliver funds to local projects and Scotland’s small businesses
|ff6=Focus on tackling the climate emergency, ending austerity and cuts, and getting Brexit sorted. That’s why in the early years of a UK Labour government we will not agree to a Section 30 order request if it comes from the Scottish Government
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