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The Home Page ([[Main Page]]) provides access to all the pages within the Wiki, using links. Below is an explanation of the 3 main areas of the wiki and what they provide. Carrying out a search from a particular page will search the whole wiki, not just the section the user is in. The key to ensuring that the wiki material is searchable from search engines (google, yahoo etc.) is to ensure that any new page created in the wiki is linked back to a page that links back to the main page either directly or through linking to a page that through a series of links is connected to the main page.
Campaign Labour is divided into 3 areas.
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* '''''[[:Category:Articles and Analysis|Articles and Analysis]]''''' provides articles that give further insight into Labour policies, global politics and background data that underlines the need for progressive politics.
** Should be a very dynamic area.
** A number of editors will be adding to this section, the idea being that given media publications look after to their own pages.
** It is not intended for this area to become a dumping ground for every article that is produced by the media whether that be the old media or the new independent media. Although there will be an expectation for media providers to update these pages, they will be monitored and if the facility is being abused then the right to edit will be revoked.
** Articles should support campaigning.
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* '''''[[Conservative Policy Impact]]''''' provides a detailed analysis of the devastating impact that Tory policy is having in the UK and globally.
** Broken down into sections that cover Education, Housing, the NHS, Public services etc. The main page for this area provides quick overviews of the latest activity that is impacting the welfare of the country. This is not the main drive of this area.
** The sections give detailed analysis impactsimpact and are the main purpose of this area.
** Information presented in this area must be sourced properlyfully.
*** Headlines that create an impact but are not based on facts will be removed. For example a recent meme that did the circuit stated that the Tories have closed 1250 Jobcentres. This has a impact as a headline but it is blatantly untrue, as a figure of 1250 closed Jobcentres will mean that the UK now has -400.
*** Headlines that could well be true but have no source evidence will be removed.
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** If a challenge to the data is correct, alter the data or remove if applicable.
==GuidedVisit TourPages==
If you wish to contribute to this wiki, you may be deterred due to your lack of knowledge of creating wiki pages. Campaign Labour has a number of admins who can assist you. For example you can create an article in a format you feel comfortable with, email it to an admin and then an admin will format it for the wiki. See the section [[#How you can contribute]] for more details of the kind of contribution that is helpful to the wiki.
Campaign Labour is written using a languagetool called Mediawiki. Regardless of whether you wish to add directly to the Wiki or submit content to the adminstrators, it is useful if you start from the main page and surf through the content to takegain aan guidedoverall tourfeel offor the basicswiki ofand usingwhere Mediawikithe gaps are.
==How you can contribute==
Contributions to the wiki are, as a whole, gratefully accepted. The more contributors the wiki has, the more information is available to aid in campaigning. However, unlike other wikis such as wikipedia, this wiki has restricted access to editing. The reason for this is that being a political campaign wiki, it is more likely to come under attack. It is also important that the content is managed so that the amount of information in the group doesn't mean that it becomes impossible to navigate.
The wiki will include links to media but these will be monitored to ensure it doesn't become a newsfeed service. Articles need to be very specific to UK campaigning. This doesn't exclude articles about political activity abroad, but an article highlighting a new policy introduced in the US to, for example, restrict immigration, would not qualify as an article that supported UK campaigning.
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* '''''Inclusion in Blogs, Webpages and specific articles'''''. The more web sites that link to the wiki, the more likely it is to rise in search engines. Part of the algorithms of search engines is to look at what links to the wiki and if it is linked to from many sources, this will push it up the search priority of the engine.
* '''''Share from the wiki.''''' If somebody asks a question in a social group, don't necessarily collect the information from the wiki and then share the source. It will promote the wiki if you share the link to the Campaign-Labour wiki where the source material is referenced. This spreads the wiki to a larger audience and helps it to be more successful
* '''''We love Wiki gurus'''''. Campaign-Labour has been created by volunteers who are intent on spreading the message - we need a Labour government. That means that we have learnt how to use wiki on the fly. This will become obvious to a wiki guru with just a quick glimpseglance at the code. If you are that guru, then volunteer your services please.
===How to Contribute===
Not everybody will want to edit directly into the wiki. It takes some skill to edit the wiki. Writing pages of text is pretty straightforward, but once you want to add formatting, links or pictures, it starts to become a little more complex. Below is how you can contribute:
* Write an article in a application you are comfortable with and submit it by email. To provide content for the wiki, you must make an initial contact using the [[Special:EmailUser/MichaeldakinCL_Admin|Email Admin]] option. Once an admin has checked your email, you will receive a reply with an email address to send your submission(s). Please provide these details in your initial contact email:
** What your article is about.
** Which section you would like it adding to.
** If you wish to add it yourself, then provide evidence of your support for the Labour party as outlined below.
* You can become a direct contributor (add content directly to the wiki). To do so the following is required:
** A member of the Labour party (exceptionshelps arebut madeis tonot this, for example if you have been expelled from the Labour party as part of the witchhunt)compulsory.
** Evidence of your support for the Party. For example, Facebook groups you are a member of that support the Party.
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This is the page with outstanding work... [[Work to Progress]]
This is where you email to let us know you picked up a subject...[[Special:EmailUser/MichaeldakinCL_Admin|Email Admin]].
Note the Email Admin option can also be found in the left hand side navigation bar.