Policy: New policy working alongside TPA1001; TPA1003; TPA1009; TPA1013; TPA1016; TPA1035; TPA1070.
Stream: Equality
Description: Commit to a Jobs Guarantee program which could create thousands of jobs in the green and care sectors, paying at least the real living wage, with accredited skills training. This program would benefit those workers hit particularly hard by the pandemic such as those under the age of 25. Jobs would be funded by the government and created in sectors vital to our economic recovery but also in combating climate change. "

"TUC A New plan for jobs - Why we need a new jobs Guarantee https://www.tuc.org.uk/research-analysis/reports/new-plan-jobs-why-we-need-new-jobs-guarantee

What is a Jobs Guarantee? https://modernmoneynetwork.org/content/job-guarantee

Jobs Guarantee Vs UBI http://www.jobguarantee.org/

UBI is it the radical change we need? https://www.socialist.net/universal-basic-income-is-it-the-radical-change-we-need.htm

Bill Mitchell - Modern Monetary Theory http://bilbo.economicoutlook.net/blog/?p=46956

By committing to a Jobs Guarantee program, we could go some way to fulfilling the following

● TPA1001 Eradicate in-work poverty in our first term by tackling the structural causes of poverty and inequality, such as low pay and high living costs, while raising the floor provided by our social safety net

● TPA1003 Introduce a Real Living Wage of at least £10 per hour for all workers aged 16 and over

● TPA1009 Explore other innovative ways of responding to low pay, including a pilot of Universal Basic Income

● TPA1013 Transform people’s lives for the better through the biggest extension of workers’ rights in history

● TPA1016 Bring workers and employers together to agree legal minimum standards on a wide range of issues, such as pay and working hours

● TPA1035 Increase protection against redundancy for people wherever they work

● TPA1070 Usher in a new era of social justice in Britain"

Region: North West
Proposer: Ellie McNamara
Approved: No
Status: Not Reviewed
Policy Created: