Government and the Constitution

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Healthcare publicly owned and free at point of need •• Immediate minimum 15% pay-rise for health workers •• Invest in the NHS •• Free training for health workers •• Scrap parking charges for NHS staff, patients, and visitors •• Invest heavily in social and mental health care and ensure all health services and agencies are working cohesively •• Protect and invest in local hospitals and health clinics •• Re-introduce free eye and dental care •• Create a National Pharmaceutical Agency to ensure fair access and pricing for drugs to both the NHS and developing countries •• Health workers to receive minimum rate of inflation pay rises •• Bring the NHS back into full state control •• Re-establish health visitors •• Remove surcharge for migrant workers •• Ensure a proactive and preventative health service •• Ensure no barriers to equality in health services •• Free prescriptions for all


Free childcare for all pre-school children •• Reintroduce SureStart •• Free life-long education •• Scrap early-years formal testing •• Bring education back into public control •• Reintroduce adequate maintenance grants •• Build student accommodation and ensure it is publicly owned •• Scrap Ofsted •• Scrap performance pay •• Abolish private and grammar schools and base all schools on the Finnish system •• Scrap tuition fees •• Redefine degrees so technical degrees from FE / HE hold the same weight •• Adopt secular public education system •• Free meals in school for all pupils up to 18 •• Schools will provide free childcare from 7:30am – 6pm •• Major investment in buildings and equipment


Improve quality of existing and new-build social housing •• Implement an extensive social homes building programme •• Create housing association regulator to remove rogue associations •• Radical restructure of housing •• End non-residents purchasing homes as an investment •• Scrap leaseholds •• Heavily legislate temporary lets such as Airbnb •• End Homelessness •• City Rent Caps •• End corporate property and land hoarding

A Green Future

Create an investment bank with charter to invest in green programmes, R&D, and businesses •• Responsible manufacturers of renewable technology •• Convert British homes to the highest energy-efficiency standards •• Bring energy supply into public ownership •• Legislate for fully recyclable packaging and invest in recycling facilities •• Build a sustainable, affordable, accessible, and public integrated transport system •• Major investment in natural flood defences •• Legislate to protect marine environment •• Legislate to ensure farms protect the environment •• Restore woodlands with indigenous planting •• Divert defence industry into green market


Global peacemakers not warmongers •• Weapons only for defence, not for international sales •• Recognise the state of Palestine •• Scrap trident and invest the monies saved in building highly skilled green industries •• Ensure our armed forces personnel are properly supported, both during and post services •• Promote International Human Rights •• Withdraw from NATO

Employment and Society

Capping director salary to no more than 10 times the lowest paid employee •• Union representation is a legal right •• Increase central government spending to cover all key local services, such as police and fire services •• Council tax to be used to improve towns and cities, not to pay for critical services •• End the persecution of claimants by the DWP and protect welfare payments •• Eradicate gender pay gap •• Reduce working week incrementally while upholding productivity •• Remove barriers to equality for all regardless of disability, gender, colour, ethnicity, or sexual orientation •• Fully compensate 50s and 60s women impacted by pension age changes and reduce retirement age to 60 for all


Ensure access to Justice for all regardless of means •• Major investment in the court system •• Overhaul family court focusing on mediation and protection •• Invest in legal aid •• Focus and invest in rehabilitation of offenders

Taxation and Spending

Scrap VAT •• Abolish National Insurance and roll it into a single PAYE tax •• Introduce an automatic tax credit for all (Universal Basic Income) •• Police, Fire Services, Libraries etc paid for centrally so that council tax is focused on improving cities and towns •• Create a social transformation fund •• Scrap IR35

The Crown and Royal Family

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