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<div style="margin-left:10%;margin-right:10%">[[File:Website Banner2.jpeg|900px|link=Main Page]]
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{{Legend Box2|Government and the Constitution}}
{{#cargo_query:tables=Key_Policies|fields=KeyPolicy|where=PCategory="Government and the Constitution"|order by=_pageName|delimiter=&nbsp;<big>••</big>}}<br><br>
[[KP001|'''Scrap the House of Lords''' and create a democratic 2nd House]] <big><big>•</big></big> Decentralise power to the regions • Move parliament to the Midlands and create an English assembly • Devolve power to Scotland and Wales with a federal model • Introduce automatic voter registration • Ban direct donations to MPs • Restrict donation size to political parties • Ban paid lobbying • Ban acting MPs holding a job outside parliament • Reform expenses system to match the way business works • Tougher jail sentences for MPs breaking the law, particularly for corruption while in office • MP pay freeze for 10 yearsMP wages to be linked to national average wage
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{{Legend Box2|Health}}
{{#cargo_query:tables=Key_Policies|fields=KeyPolicy|where=PCategory="Health"|order by=_pageName|delimiter=&nbsp;<big>••</big>}}<br><br>
Healthcare publicly owned and free at point of delivery • Minimum 15% pay-rise for health workers • Invest in the NHS • Free training for health workers • Scrap carpark charges • Invest heavily in social and mental health care and ensure health services are seamless • Protect and invest in local hospitals and health clinics • Re-introduce free dental care • Focus on child health through sugar tax and healthy school meals • National Pharmaceutical Agency to ensure fair access to drugs for both the NHS and developing countries • Health workers to receive rate of inflation pay rises • Rate of inflation to be decided by independent board and to be subject to union agreement • Overhaul NHS, removing bureaucracy and middle managers
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{{Legend Box2|Education}}
{{#cargo_query:tables=Key_Policies|fields=KeyPolicy|where=PCategory="Education"|order by=_pageName|delimiter=&nbsp;<big>••</big>}}<br><br>
Free childcare for all pre-school children • Reintroduce SureStart • Free life-long education • Scrap early-years formal testing • Bring schools back into local authority control • End tax breaks for private schools • Reintroduce adequate maintenance grants • Build student accommodation and ensure it is publicly owned • Return universities and colleges to public ownership • Scrap Ofsted • Scrap performance pay • Scrap SATS • Scrap private education and base education model on Finnish system • Scrap tuition fees • Redefine degrees so technical degrees from FE / HE hold the same weight • Learn from Covid and introduce continuous grading • Enforce secular school system • Project based learning and introduce the 2010 creative learning syllabus
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{{Legend Box2|Housing}}
{{#cargo_query:tables=Key_Policies|fields=KeyPolicy|where=PCategory="Housing"|order by=_pageName|delimiter=&nbsp;<big>••</big>}}<br><br>
Build excellent quality social housing • 30% of new builds must be social housing • Review housing association rules and remove rogue associations • Reduce salary to mortgage multiples to end house inflation • End right to buy • Legislate to support housing cooperatives • Refurbish housing stock • End non-residents purchasing homes as an investment • Scrap leaseholds • Outlaw short-term tenancies such as Airbnb • End Rough Sleeping • • End Homelessness
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{{Legend Box2|A Green Future}}
{{#cargo_query:tables=Key_Policies|fields=KeyPolicy|where=PCategory="A Green Future"|order by=_pageName|delimiter=&nbsp;<big>••</big>}}<br><br>
Create an Investment bank with charter to invest in green programmes, R&D, and businesses • Create a nett zero carbon economy • Become world leaders in manufacturing renewable technology • Convert all British homes to the highest energy-efficiency standards • Bring energy supply into public ownership
• Legislate for fully recyclable packaging and invest in recycling facilities • Build a sustainable, affordable, accessible, and public integrated transport system • Extend high-speed rail networks nationwide to free up capacity on local lines and move freight to dedicated lines • End Road Tolls • Major investment in natural flood defences • Legislate to protect marine environment • Legislate to ensure farms protect the environment • Restore natural woodlands with indigenous trees • Civic housing with well-maintained green spaces • Divert defence industry into green market
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{{Legend Box2|Internationalism}}
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Global peacemakers not warmongers • Weapons only for defence, not for international sales • Recognise the state of Palestine • Scrap trident and invest the monies saved in building highly skilled green industries • Ensure our armed forces personnel are properly supported, both during and post services • Promote International Human Rights • Withdraw from NATO • Oppose Imperialism
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{{Legend Box2|Employment and Society}}
{{#cargo_query:tables=Key_Policies|fields=KeyPolicy|where=PCategory="Employment and Society"|order by=_pageName|delimiter=&nbsp;<big>••</big>}}<br><br>
Minimum wage increase to £12 per hour • Union representation a guaranteed right • Scrap VAT • Increase central government spending to cover all key local services, such as police and fire services • Council tax to be used to improve towns and cities, not to pay for critical services • Pilot UBI with a job guarantee • Eradicate gender pay gap • Repeal anti trade union laws • Reduce working week incrementally while upholding productivity • Remove barriers to equality for all regardless of disability, gender, colour, ethnicity, or sexual orientation • Fully compensate 50s and 60s women impacted by pension age changes • Retirement at 60 for all • 15% pay rise for public sector workers
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{{Legend Box2|Justice}}
{{#cargo_query:tables=Key_Policies|fields=KeyPolicy|where=PCategory="Justice"|order by=_pageName|delimiter=&nbsp;<big>••</big>}}<br><br>
Ensure access to Justice for all regardless of means • Major investment in the court system • Overhaul family court focusing on mediation and protection • Invest in legal aid • Invest in the probation services and remove private probation services • Invest in rehabilitation of offenders • Keep all prisons in public ownership • Ensure prisons focus on rehabilitation
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{{Legend Box2|Taxation and Spending}}
{{#cargo_query:tables=Key_Policies|fields=KeyPolicy|where=PCategory="Taxation and Spending"|order by=_pageName|delimiter=&nbsp;<big>••</big>}}<br><br>
Scrap VAT • Abolish National Insurance and roll it into a single PAYE tax • Introduce an automatic tax credit for all (Universal Basic Income) • Police, Fire Services, Libraries etc paid for centrally so that council tax is focused on improving cities and towns • Create a social transformation fund
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{{Legend Box2|The Crown and Royal Family}}
{{#cargo_query:tables=Key_Policies|fields=KeyPolicy|where=PCategory="The Crown and Royal Family"|order by=_pageName|delimiter=&nbsp;<big>••</big>}}<br><br>
The privy council will be abolished • The Crown will be brought into full public ownership • Crown estates tenant farmers will be given full ownership of their land • Cornwall and Lancashire duchy tenants will be given full ownership of their lands or properties • All Crown Royal properties will be brought into full public ownership and opened to the public, including Buckingham palace • Crown artworks and other possessions will be made available for public viewing • Where possible plundered treasures will be returned to their rightful owners • Any remaining Crown jewels will be on display to the public
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