JRF - Municipal Socialism for Modern Scotland: Difference between revisions

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=== Historical context ===
Keir Hardie and other early evolutionary socialists were influenced by the local government-led social reforms such as those initiated by Joseph Chamberlain as mayor of Birmingham, which included municipal gas and water supplies, clearing slums and the introduction of a city park system. Sidney Webb, wrote in 'Socialism in England'<ref>‘Socialism in England’ by Sidney Webb 1890</ref>:
It is not only in matters of sanitation that this 'Municipal Socialism' is progressing. Nearly half the consumers of the Kingdom already consume gas made by themselves as citizens collectively, in 168 different localities, as many as 14 local authorities obtained the power to borrow money to engage in the gas industry in a single year. Water supply is rapidly coming to be universally a matter of public provision, no fewer than 71 separate governing bodies obtaining loans for this purpose in the year 1885-86 alone. The prevailing tendency is for the municipalities to absorb also the tramway industry, 31 localities already owning their own lines, comprising a quarter of the mileage in the Kingdom.